Hello SAP community in Melbourne,
It was great to be with the SAP experts, mentors and share knowledge on our first sitMEL of 2019. I know it is late to write this post but, better late than never! Thanks to
phil.cooley for organising this event and special thanks to
Bourne Digital and
SAP App Haus for sponsoring the event and allow us to socialise and learn new topics through SAP Inside Track #sitMEL
Thanks to the presenters who showcased their talent and shared their knowledge. It was nice meeting few old friends and make new connections. Get to know what they are working on, new things explored in SAP, share knowledge and get together as a strong community.
In retrospective the major opportunity would be to see a larger female presence, more females attending such events, it would be great even presenting at future #sitMEL events! I would like to call out all the females in Melbourne working in SAP to join us and share your thoughts and knowledge with everyone and be part of this great SAP Community. It is only as great as the members within it so come along and join in!
"There is no power for change greater than a community discovering what it cares about." – Margaret J. Wheatley
Lets get together at our very first Stammtisch in Melbourne
#SAPStammtischMEL on Thursday 16th May 2019, where we can catch-up and build the best SAP community in Melbourne. Please click
here to register for this event.
There will be another chance for #FemalesInSAP to come together - the next #sitMEL scheduled for 6th June 2019 so lookout for some news about this - coming soon! I will update this post to include the link when available. Please share this blog to encourage this thought!
Let’s reinvigorate the Melbourne SAP Community!