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Use of app workforce in SAP HANA PUBLIC production system

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Dear All,
I tell you that we are executing a SAP Hana Public Cloud project and according to SAP information, the creation of users and assignment of roles. In FIORI it is done through the Manage workforce app, according to the SAP note this app is only used for the starter and test system, but in production it loses the functionality and only the information can be displayed, since it must be integrated with the management system. internal human resources of the client.
Please help by clarifying this point and/or providing an alternative solution that does not include integration with a system that manages internal personnel.



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Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert

Hi Stefanie,

as long as the necessary roles and authorizations are assigned, the maintenance of workforce data is possible using the "Manage Workforce" app, as long as you are not using any of the integration scenarios to create the workers from an external HR system. Please refer to this SAP Note 2646803 for the official guidance on this topic. Hope this helps.

Best regards