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Unable to generate/open docx - SAP Enable Now

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Hello Everyone,

For some context, my team and I are working with a client generating content for process documentation using SAP Enable Now Instant Producer, Producer & Manager.

While the recording of simulations goes well and saves accordingly, I am unable to generate the documentation either in Instant Producer and Producer.

Even if there is indeed a file with a DOC icon appearing in the structure but it is not when I open de folder.

Captura de pantalla 2024-07-18 133630.pngCaptura de pantalla 2024-07-18 133844.png

When I go to the manager and try to open the documentation it also shows an error

Captura de pantalla 2024-07-18 133655.pngCaptura de pantalla 2024-07-18 133701.png

This is only for DOC and PDF files, since I am able to generate PPTs.

We tried, using the same user in a different computer to generate docs and it did not show ANY PROBLEMS! so it must be something with my computer.

Any thoughts on how to solve this problem? I will be greatly thankful.



#SAPEnableNow #SAPInstantProducer #SAProducer

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Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert

Hi Sebastian,

There is an issue with the setup of Microsoft Office that causes the documents to not be generated.  Please check the two KBAs below - the first is likely the one that defines your issue - to see if they can help you resolve your problem.

No document generated in Producer 
Author unable to generate Enable Now documentation 

If neither of these KBAs resolves your issue, please raise a support ticket using the Component ID KM-SEN-PRO and get support involved.


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Thank you, Shane. The WordTest.exe worked great!