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Revising learning object within item SuccessFactors

0 Kudos

Hello everyone,

I have an urgent question.

I would like to revise a module/learning object within a learning item. In this learning item, there are 20 learning objects or books. So only one object must be revised, not the entire item.

Some users have already gone through the course, so we don't want to make them go through everything again. Can we revise just one object in this item, and maintain the completion of the other books?

Or do they have to redo everything if we revise an object?

Thank you for the help!

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Hi Joke,

The quick answer is: go to the content server and update the files there. If you don't change any structure included in the xml manifest file, even the affected object name, it will work.

As always, try it on your test environment first.
