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Multilingual content in SuccessFactors Learning


Instead of adding courses for each content locale of an elearning, I would like to offer one course in a variety of languages, so that users ca select their preferred language and we can assign courses by jobs rather by locations. I know how to translate title and description but cannot find out how to add / organize the different content packages in one course. Can anyone advise?

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Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
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You can add multiple Content Objects / Content Packages to a single item via the Online Content tab of an item. You would need to configure the item to be marked as completed on teh successful completion of any one content object though. (so that they only need to complete the item in one language)



This is how we manage it as we often have up to 16 different languages on one item. Allows the user to choose the piece of content right for their language requirement

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Hi can you help me and tell how configure it? I have 4 content in two version EN and PL. Two material content and two exams. I need to configure one item with two verison and exam is content to complete item.
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Hi Chris, we are also looking for support on this. If we have 2 content objects in each language, how do we ensure that the user completes both objects before the item is marked off as complete?

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Hi Chris, I am also looking for support on this. If we have 2 content objects per language, how do we ensure that they complete both content objects before marking the item off as complete?
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Hi Chris, I’m interested in your solution! I’ve created a program with items in both French and English... thank you in advance for your help.
Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
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To mark item completion on completion of ALL content objects, only toggle on "Add to History on completion of all content".

To mark item completion on completion of ONE of the multiple content objets, toggle off "Add to History on completion of all content" AND tick the box "Add to History on Pass" for each of the content objects.

KR, Frederic

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Thanks for pointing me in the right direction Chris. Sorry to do this, but can you point out where one would change the setting such that they only need to complete one of the objects (obviously their chosen language one). Cannot seem to find that setting.