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ECSC Employee Replication - Mapping Employee Country from EC to C4C

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert

In 1802 we have the Employee Country and few other Employee attributes available to select as a condition field in the routing rules in C4C. These fields obviously will have to be populated by the Employee replication from Employee Central to C4C system. What is not very clear is the mapping of these fields between the two systems.

  1. What are the equivalent fields within C4C for these Employee fields being replicated from EC such as Employee Country, Employee Manager, Employee Region, Employee Language, Employee Postal Code, Employee Department
  2. Where within C4C can we see these fields in the UI or expose them within the UI
  3. Do we need to exclusively map them
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Hi Sathish Ganesan,

Very Good Question!!

Above blog shared by Natalia Goyenechea is not updated and there are many disconnect.


Since in 1808 in C4C "Intermediate staging area for data replication" is deprecated and in HCI Employee Replication package is also get deprecated and because of this employee replication will be failed based on the patch released in tenant.


I will always recommend to create a custom field in C4C via adapt mode and then download new wsdl file and upload the same in HCI mapping and which will allow users data to flow in C4C.

As I am not having access to post blog as of now, will share the posted regarding the same and other hot topics.

Best Regards,

Sushil H Maurya
