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AICC COMPLETION : Complete content on launch setting activated

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Our users can not access their AICC content as soon as they launch it the first time, it become completed (screesnhot attached) even though that the users haven"t accepted the AICC Wrapper yet, and they can"t accessthe content anymore after the first launch,


After we did some investigations, it appeared to us that the problem is related to the fact that the items with this issue were switched from "Document Type" to AICC trough the connectors without unchecking the button "Complete content on launch", and after doing some tests, it became clear that the items in the report "Item Object details" with "Yes" in the "Complete content on Launch" column are the ones that cause these accessibility issues,

Now we would like to deactivate this button on these AICC Items without impacting the users that have these items assigned, because these items are mainly part of curriculums and assignment profiles,

Can you please give us your point of view of how can we process this situation ? (we have more than 8500 items so we can't do it manually item by item)


Thank you very much in advance,

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Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert

@cchittranondh, changing the configuration will potentially trigger the "Reassignment Assistant" (Reassigning Online Learning Items after Modifying Them | KBA 2328118), so users will have the up-to-date course configuration. Ideally, users should have the course reassigned, otherwise the latest changes won't be available to them. In your case, if they're not reassigned, users can face errors when launching courses and/or the "Complete content on launch" will still be valid (considering you've unchecked it, but didn't reassign the course).

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Hello, Thank you for your response,

Let met just add the fact when we'are making the changes on the item directly, the reassignment wizzard doesn't give us the possibility to re-assign the item to the affected users, it only proposes to re-assign it to the users that haven't started it yet (whose the content is still available and not locked), it's like the system considers that the affeced users have already completed these items even though they haven't submit the e-signature yet,

Can you please give us more details about re-assignment possibilities for this case especially knowing that we are dealing with more than 8500 items, so we have to proceed by connectors.The manual individual modification on each item is off the table,

Thank you very much in advance.

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Hi, thank you for your response,