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Often times while setting up a new LMS instance for a customer remote file drop off is required for reporting.  The uses of this can be to create data exports or just for a customer to setup a remote site for large reports that need to be shared

In the SF LMS there are two ways in which SFTP can be setup for report.  The first way is the default location (folder on the sftp server) can be set for all reports to be dropped into.  This will overwrite the file each time the report is run with the Remote File setting.  The other way is you can set the location for a specific report to be placed.  The second option is commonly used for custom export reports in my experience.  
I am including some basic instructions and at the bottom a video of updating the settings in a test instance.  I encourage you to watch the video before you as any questions in the comments.

Items Needed for Solution:

  1. Working LMS instance and appropriate admin roles

  2. Rights to import and export reports from your LMS instance.


The steps involved in this process are:

  1. Login in to LMS instance.

  2. Navigate to System Admin -> Configuration -> System Configuration -> REPORT_SYSTEM

3. Navigate down and put in the sftp server settings (if for default report location) Example:
#This section is used for configuring an FTP server to receive report output
#In environments where access to root level directory is denied, path can be configured as relative path.
#Relative path should be in the format - <directory in user home directory>/<sub directory>/<sub directory> where <sub directory> are optional.

# The timeout is in milliseconds. Default is 1 minute. Setting it to low value will cause issues during establishing connection.
# To enable local passive mode . Please set enablePassiveMode = true

remoteFtpEnabled=true --Must be enabled to true for remote file to appear
defaultReportFtpConfig.protocol=sftp --sftp is the usual protocol --your sftp server address
defaultReportFtpConfig.port=22 --default ftp port
defaultReportFtpConfig.path=outgoing/reports/ --folder for default reports to be placed in
defaultReportFtpConfig.userID=testuser --sftp server userid
defaultReportFtpConfig.password=testuser123 --sftp server userid's password
defaultReportFtpConfig.timeout=60000 --default setting
defaultReportFtpConfig.enablePassiveMode=false --default setting

4. You will apply these settings to your config file and test a report to make sure it completes and         leaves the file in the correct location

5. For specific reports to go to a specific folder navigate to the same report system configuration        and below it update the settings like in this example.
In this example the report name is UserLearningHistoryCSV and the folder it is to be dropped in SH-IMPORT/Specific


** - Note you can change the location for each specific report you want and leave in the default location to capture the other reports in one remote location


I have created a youtube video with examples of both default and specific report settings.  I recommend you look through it to see how remote file drop off works in the LMS.  I also go through a few other settings in the config file you may find useful as well in the video.


Often time customers want to separate out remote files from reports for things such as exports and other customer specific tasks.  Whether it is one location for all files or a combination of a default remote location and specific locations for other reports for other groups, the LMS allows for the solution to both of these configuration requirements.

I encourage you to leave comments and feedback if you have questions or suggestions.

Thanks for your attention and feedback,
Dwayne Phillips - Veritas Prime

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