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This blog explains how we can upsert attachment to SAP SuccessFactors custom MDF using CPI.

I had a requirement where I must fetch the Background verification report from the third-party API and Upserting it to custom MDF created for background verification in SuccessFactors.

We cannot UPSERT attachments directly to Custom MDF attachment field, it will be a two-way process:

  1. First, we will have to fill the attachment table using Attachment entity. In response we will receive attachmentId which will be later used while Upserting attachment to main entity.

  2. Second, we will use main custom entity to upsert attachment into custom MDF.

In this blog I will use custom MDF named “cust_BackgroundVerificationBGV”.  Custom field is configured “cust_BGVReportNav” with data type Attachment and we can navigate to Attachment API from this field.

  1. Encoding Incoming Attachment from 3rd party API/SFTP to Base64

SuccessFactors only accepts Base64- encoded data, so first we will convert incoming message to Base-64 if it is in some other format.

My Incoming message:


Add base64 encoder step to convert the above data to base64 encoded data:

Your data will then converted into below format:


  1. Filling Attachment table with attachment fields:


Add Content-Modifier in next step with below body created for upserting attachment to SuccessFactors system:













Attachment – Entity using which we’re inserting attachment to SuccessFactors system.

fileContent – This is the encoded base64 attachment that we have received from previous step. ${in.body} is used to insert the body(attachment) to this field.

filename – File name which will appear in MDF after attachment is success fully inserted. Keep it as per your requirement.

module – Set it as GENERIC_OBJECT.

userId – This is the userId of the API user upserting the attachment to the system. Note- Do not use userId of the user in which you want to upsert the attachment, userId of the user which is stored in your SuccessFactors Credentials shall be used. Example – API_ADMIN, API_USER etc.

viewable – Set this field as true.

Deletable – Set this field as false.


  1. Add SuccessFactors adapter to UPSERT attachment into system:


You will receive the below response from SuccessFactors after Upsert call(add logger to store response):


Store attachment Id received from response; this will be used later while upserting attachment to custom MDF.


  1. Add content-modifier step to prepare body for Upserting Attachment into main entity:

First add Message Header to pass Content-Type as application/json:

Then add message body in same content-modifier:



              "__metadata": {

                             "uri": "cust_BackgroundVerificationBGV"


"effectiveStartDate": "/Date(1682088699000)/",

"externalCode": “123",

"cust_BGVReportNav": {

"__metadata": {

"uri": "Attachment(attachmentId=2012)"






1. {

              "__metadata": {

                             "uri": "cust_BackgroundVerificationBGV"


Here first we have used the main entity.

2. "effectiveStartDate": "/Date(1682088699000)/", - This is primary key for custom MDF. Its value must be provided in ticks’ format.

Find below Groovy for converting EPHOC format from SuccessFactors (yyyy-MM-ddThh:mm:ss.00Z) to above milliseconds format (“/ Date(ticks)/”)


Import java.util.HashMap

Import java.util.*;

Import java.text.DateFormat;

Import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;

Import java.util.Date;

Import static java.util.Calender.*;

def Message processData(Message message) {

def property = message.getProperties();

def String SDate = property.get(“effectiveStartDate”);

SimpleDateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat(“yyyy-MM-dd);

Date date = df.parse(SDate);

Long epoch = date.getTime();

String convertedTime = Long.toString(epoch);

convertedTime = “/Date(“ + convertefTime +”)/”;

message.setProperty(“convertedTime”, convertedTime) ;

return message


NOTE : Here incoming date was stored previously as property in content-modifier(effectiveStartDate) which is then called in Groovy script, and new property is created(convertedTime) which can then be used in payload above to pass expected date to the payload.


3."externalCode": “123”, - UserId of the employee in which you want to upsert the attachment.

4."cust_BGVReportNav": {

                             "__metadata": {

                                           "uri": "Attachment(attachmentId=2012)"

  • Attachment Id received from response which we have stored in previous step.


  1. Last step is to Upsert Attachment to Custom MDF:

We will use HTTP adapter to upsert attachment to custom MDF. Here we will not SuccessFactors adapter.

In address, put the (API URL of your SuccessFactors/upsert)

Note that credentials must be separately stored in Keystore for making upsert call using HTTP adapter in (username = User@CompanyId) format.


  1. Deploy your Integration you will receive below Response from SuccessFactors

Now attachment is finally uploaded to the custom MDF:



Hope this blog helps!


Best Regards,


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