As an SAP EC consultant, I came across a new requirement from the customer asking for a custom card to change the address from the new homepage. This custom card allows the employees to add/edit their address from the new homepage
Technical Requirement
A custom card for an address change from the New home page under organizational updates needs to be created using deep links. This custom card leads the employee to the address portlet on their employee profile.
Using the deep link.
To use a deep link, add it to the base URL of your SuccessFactors instance.
- Determine the base URL used in your system. The base URL can vary slightly by the customer and by region but always ends in ""
For example, if the main SuccessFactors login page is:
Then the base URL would be
2. Insert the deep link immediately following "," starting with a slash.
For example, to add a deep link to the logged-in user's people profile, you would use
3. Add a question mark (
?) separator to the end of the deep link path, followed by a supported URL parameter, as a name-value pair.
4. Go to Configure People Profile. Under personal information and address information, select the block Id to attach it to the URL.
Screenshot of Address portlet block Id
5. Add the block Id to the URL
6. The same Link is added under the address portlet in configure people profile
Screenshot of URL added in configure people profile
Creating a Custom Card for Address Change/Edit
- Goto Manage Home page
- Add card (Address change) under organizational updates
- Provide all the necessary details (name, picture)for the card
- Attach the created deep link in the URL section under the navigation
- Assign the target group to access this card on the new home page and Save
Results/ Conclusion
An employee could change or edit his address directly from the new home page. This custom card leads them to the address portlet on the employee profile. please refer to the screenshots
Screenshot of Address Change Card on new Home Page
Screenshot of Address Change Portlet
References Sources