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10 different common use cases of Business Rule in Successactors Employee Central

Author: Sandip Biswas, Certified Employee Central Consultant


Background: In Suceesfactors Employee Central, Business rule is a very powerful functionality which can be used to fulfill most of the custom requirement of any client related to Employee Data/Time Off/Time Sheet/ Transactions/ Workflows etc. In this blog, we will discuss on some common business requirement & how to implement those business requirements with the use of Business Rule functionality.

Use Case I: Show warning message during saving the employee compensation data when annual salary is outside of the pay range maintained at Pay Grade level.

Prerequisite: Enable the field “range-penetration” for identifier in “compInfo” in Manage Business Configuration. To hide the field “range-penetration” in Employee compensation info you can adjust the RBP.  Also, you have to configure the “AnnualizedSalary” Pay Component Group.

Sample Rule:

Explanation: “range-penetration” is a standard field in employee comp info which is populated during run-time based on the “Pay Range” and “AnnualizedSalary”. If “range-penetration” value is more than 100 then annual salary is more than the pay range or if “range-penetration” is less than 0 then salary is less than the pay range. We have used the simple logic here to display the warning message during saving employee compensation information for annual salary. You can use the rule on “onSave” of compensation information.

Use case II: Trigger a notification to Manager/ Admin before n number months/days of employee retirement date/ contract end date etc.

Prerequisite: Create Alert Message & Workflow first. Alert message cane be created from “Manage Data” option in Admin Center. In the Workflow add the participants who will receive notifications for the retirement date/ contract end date.

Sample Alert message:

Sample Rule:

Explanation: Date Plus function is used to calculate the date when notification will trigger. Here we can see notification will be triggered before 3 months ( -3 is used in Number of Months parameter of rule function “Date Plus”) of retirement date. The recipients of the notification are defined in workflow “CONTRACT_END_ALERT”. You can use the message on “saveAlert” of respective portlet ( here employment details).

Use Case III:  When employee will change Home Address in ESS then it will trigger approval workflow but when Admin will change employee home address then it will not trigger any workflow.

Prerequisite: Create a workflow first.

Sample Rule:

Explanation:  In this rule we are simply checking who is the login user (rule function Login User) & for whom (Context.Current.User) data is being changed. If both are same then it is triggering the workflow, otherwise not. Both are same means employee himself/ herself is changing the data in ESS. You can use thee rule on “onSave” of employee home address.

Use Case IV: Check whether employee dependent’s (child) date of birth is future date or not. If future date then raises error message.

Sample Rule:

Explanation:  Here we are checking whether the dependent’s date of birth is after Today. If yes then error message is being raised. After today means it is future date. You can use the rule on “onSave” of employee dependent information.

Use Case V: Check of combination of Salutation and Gender in employee personal information is correct or not.

Sample Rule:

Explanation: In the AND/OR condition we are checking the combination of Salutation & Gender. If there is any discrepancy, then error message is being thrown. You can use the rule either “onChange” of field Gender/Salutation or in “onSave” of employee personal information or in both places.

Use case VI: Set the employee retire date automatically based on employee age & Pay Grade during saving the new hire data.

Sample Rule:

Explanation:  Here we have used rule function Date Plus to set the retirement date based on the date of birth. As per the above rule it will set the retirement date when employee age is 50 years ( 600 months). You can use the rule on “onSave” of Job information.

Use Case VII: Default Business Phone as primary & set the default business phone number for all employee during creation of business phone data. Only extension will be provided as an input for Business Phone during the data maintenance.

Sample Rule:

Explanation: In the rule based on Phone Type selection we are setting the Primary value & Phone number value. You can use the rule on “onChange” of field Phone Type in Phone Information.

Use case VIII: Set the default pay component in compensation information during Hiring based on pay scale level selection in employee job information.

Prerequisite: First we have to decide what pay component is associated with the pay scale level & pay component assignment needs to be done at pay scale level configuration in SF EC. In the sample rule the associated pay component is 1002.

Sample Rule:

Explanation: Here we are using couple of rule functions “Amount from Pay Scale Structure”, “Currency from Pay Scale Structure” etc. to get the value which has been assigned at pay scale level & then based on the retrieved value we are setting the values in pay component recurring. You can use the rule on “onInit” of employee compensation information.

Use Case IX: Set Job Title based on Job code selection. Alternatively, we can use propagation.

Sample Rule:

Explanation: In this rule, we are setting the job title value in employee job information from the value which is maintained at job classification object level. You can use the rule “onChange” of field “Job Classification” in employee job information.

Use Case X: Validation of data integrity maintained at position object level against employee Job Information level.

Sample Rule:

Explanation: In this rule, we are comparing the field value maintained at employee job information & position object level. If the value is different then we are triggering error message. You can use the rule on “onSave” of employee Job Information.


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