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SAP GTS Sequence number not correct in export document XML file

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Hi All,

I am getting an issue related to Sequence number not correct in export document XML file.

XML file can we visible in the highlighted key.

Can someone share your input so that it could be really helpful for me.



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Hello Dave,

Thanks for your update and input.

Here we are facing issue when we are sending message to FR custom.

Generally when we send M-message from SAP then the sequence will be "1" but if we receive failed message from Customs then the sequence will become "0" and again if we send M-message after necessary correction then the sequence again start with "1" which we can see in XML file once updated against M-message.

But here for one custom document system unable to make "0" and subsequent M-message were sending with increment number i.e. 1,2,3,.... due to this, this error occurred in the system.

To mitigate this issue now we found one OSS note # OSS Note# 3094015- FR delta: Version number is incorrect for fast follow-up message (<numseq> and SAP also confirmed to implement this OSS Note to rectify this issue. Will update you once changes are in place and result.

Again Many thanks as always responding our question quickly.

#### Amarnath.