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GRC 10.1 - Function Approval Workflow - how to add hyperlink for LINK_WORKITEM as a Variable


Hello! I am trying to customize the Function Approval Workflow so the approvers can receive the direct item link for approval - similar to this:

Click here to review the request.
Click here to approve/reject the request.

So once they click on the link above, they will be able to open directly the link to approve / reject the Function change item.

I have tried to add LINK_WORKITEM thru GRFNMW_CONFIGURE by following this great post ( but when I click on the email link, the link does not work - instead it shows %link_workitem%. This is how it is setup in Maintain Notification Variables for this MSMP.

Could you please let me know what I am missing?

Thank you!

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Thank you, Babu!