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FPMA - Auto clearing across Business Partner not happening, FP06 it works

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Hello Experts,
Please help me to identify the solution;

Scenario- Two business partners assigned to one contract account (screen shot attached), there are open items from both BP.

BP # 201 and 202 and CA # 679 (BP # 201 is Account Holder)

If we use FP06 for clearing (with create proposal), all the items are picks for clearing.

Where as if run auto clearing with Contract Account in general selection, system keeps certain items which belongs to BP 202 into exception list.

Solution required is to clear all open items per contract account.

Clearing variant maintained as follows;
Grouping string is CA and ref. no. and sort by due date.


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I don't think we can assign two business partners to one contract account ?

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There are 1:n CAR relationship. We can create same contract account for multiple Business partner.

Vicky Khambhati

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
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A contract account can only have one BP as account holder. It can have other BPs, essentially as interested party. This is defined in configuration. Regardless - for the point in question, the CA can have one BP.