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FM - Availability Control Tolerance - Different company code

0 Kudos

Hi Expert,

Multiple company code assign to 1 FM area. There is a requirement whereby 1 of these companies need to check the "Availability Control Tolerance at PR level where as current setting there is no PR level being setup. How possible to solve this without creating new FM area? This PR checking level also need to be set as statistical only.

Please help.


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Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Well, for the third time - no. Sorry, if I was not clear enough, but once more: AVC checks apply only when there is a change in AVC figures. Changes in AVC figures occur when there is a change in budget or in consumption. If you don't change the consumption, what AVC checks do you expect?

I hope this clarifies the issue and you can close the thread.

0 Kudos

Thanks Eli for the answer.

Active Contributor
0 Kudos

You are welcome. You can mark the relevant answer as 'accepted' to finalise the issue.

Active Contributor
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Two things:

a) Update profile (the way documents are posted in FM) is per FM area. So, here you cannot impose different behaviour based on company code. Unless, you secure it indirectly. For example, if you want PR to be statistical on all company codes, but one, you can make this by a posting on different commitment items, some of them would be statistical. Of course, this is purely theoretical and can come in conflict with your current budget structure.

b) Statistical document by definition doesn't participate in AVC checks; so, you have a contradiction here. You cannot have AVC checks applied to a statistical posting.


0 Kudos

Hi Eli,

Ok, forget about statistical, the company want to have the AVC check at PR level but not willing to consume the budget. Is it possible to be done without impacting other company code?

Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Once more, it makes no sense and not standard (doesn't matter one company code or multiple): AVC checks are applied only when there is a budget consumption.

0 Kudos

Thanks Eli.

By the way, the actual requirement is to have the error/warning message (same like the AVC, works by percentage level) during PR and also not to consume the budget . So I taught the AVC is the right place to handle. So Eli, is it possible to have this requirement restrict to only for a certain company?

Active Contributor
0 Kudos


It is a bit confusing your requirement. If PR is set as statistical, then there is no AVC checks. Now, if your intention is not to check PR, but for one company code, it is possible. You have to derive a tolerance profile specific for this company code; this is preferable with assigning a specific FM object, which is relevant only for this company code. I believe, you must have something like this already, most probably via a Fund centre. Then, based on this FM object you can derive the relevant tolerance profile.



0 Kudos

Hi Eli Klovski,

Thank you for your response.Anyway, let me clear again the requirement.

In the current setup, there are more than 1 company code being assigned to 1 FM area. One of these companies is require to have budget availability check:tolerance limit during PR level (not to consume budget, but only statistical). Current setup, there is no PR level being setup to this FM area. Is it possible to have this setup without impacting other company code in the same FM area?
