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expand deletes all ev functions

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I have an input schedule with two EVDRE functions (one of which defines a report only area). This was working fine until last weekend. During the weekend, our system was upgraded to 7.50.09.

Now when I use this schedule, refresh brings up data from the database as expected but expand deletes all EV (EVDRE, EVCVW, EVRNG etc) functions from the Excel sheet.

Has anyone seen this before and can point me in the right direction?



Accepted Solutions (1)

Accepted Solutions (1)

Former Member
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Can you try to create the same EVDRE from scratch, and see if the same behavior follows or not. Just need to see whether the problem is with the system or only with that particular EVDRE.

Sometimes, upgrading the system can have small impacts on the templates.

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Whilst I wouldn't agree that this is a small impact, after all the template was completely unusable, re-creating it from scratch seems to have done the trick.

I am somewhat worried though about such random behaviour, doesn't really make my life any easier.



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Just interested to know if this happened with all the report and schedules. It could be very dangerous. I would recommend to take regular appset backups especially when you are doing an upgrade. It helps. I have not seen this before. Thanks for alerting.

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It did not happen with all of them, but more than one.

0 Kudos

Hello all,

We have just upgraded from BPC7.0 SP4 to BPC7.5 SP10, and have exactly the same issue - on some input schedules, all the EV functions on a sheet get deleted after expanding the EvDRE.

In all our input schedules, we have a hidden sheet, which has several EvDREs that are used to return lists of dimension members. These lists are used to populate dropdown boxes on the main input sheet in the workbook, so that the user can easily change the data selection (page key range) using these dropdown boxes.

We've found that on almost all of our input schedules, the EvDREs in this hidden sheet have the issue where after expanding, all the EV functions on that hidden sheet get deleted. Curiously, the EvDRE on the main input sheet are not affected.

Tests done:

1. Manually re-enter the EV commands into the hidden sheet: After expanding, the EV commands are deleted again!

2. Create a new blank sheet in the same workbook, and create an =EVDRE() from scratch: no issue

Has anyone found a proper solution to this bug? We have more than 30 input templates in production, and don't really want to recreate them all from scratch. Please help!



Answers (1)

Answers (1)

Former Member
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Yes Arnold

We had the same issue

could manage it by a workaround, although there is no notes related

Sol: Use NOEXPAND in the Memberset Expansion OR

COMPLETELY eliminate the Rows and Cols that are used for Expansion in the Row Key Range and Col key Range respectively.


use the expansions ina vlookup

hope this helps
