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Error when uploading Data in the Manage Lookup Table Data App / Subscription Billing

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Hello Experts, 

i have the following issue when uploading Data in the Manage Lookup Table Data App in Subscription Billing.
For context, i first downloaded the empty exel file which contains the relevenat columns for the Lookup Table.
I then filled the Data sheet and tried to import it, while using the clear and replace setting. 

I then get the following error code: "In line number 2, the symbol in column "Lower Endpoint Symbol" is invalid. Use either "[" or "(". "
But i cant find any entry or line/colume which would relate to this error. I also checked the other sheets (e.g. which contain standard values like all currencies and conditions)

Can someone explain to me what this error can relate too ?

Best regards 

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Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert

Hi Lukas, 
your lookup table appears to have a quantity range field configured. These ranges allow you to define numeric intervals to locate the relevant row in the table. For more details, please refer to the documentation on quantity ranges.

In the downloaded Excel file, six columns are dedicated to these ranges. Here's how to fill them out:
- Columns 1 & 6: Use inclusion/exclusion symbols.
- Columns 2 & 3: Input the lower quantity.
- Columns 4 & 5: Input the higher quantity.

An example: 


Best regards,

0 Kudos

Hi CarstenJ, your answer sounds logical, but my file currently looks like this:


What do i have to change ?

PS: Im new to the topic, so pls excuse me if the answer is obvious 🙂


Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert

Hi Lukas,

the original error message indicates that ranges are used. 
In your screenshot you've provided only the price condition columns.
Could you maybe post a screenshot with all columns and the row which produces the error? You might want to blur some sensitive information like product codes if required.

For the price condition in your screenshot I can tell you that Tier-based price conditions require also the columns
price (Amount Currency), price (Pricing Unit Value) and price (Pricing Unit UoM or Currency), e.g. 



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This is the whole sheet:


I blurred the information in the first to columns.

Its all the same customer id and just different rateElements. I thought that maybe some of the entrys are mandatory but i dont know which.

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert

Hi Lukas,
so you have a field 'quantity' configured in your lookup table, which is used as a quantity range.
That's why you get this error in the import as I've described in my first reply.
The question is what do you want to achieve with this column - and honestly also with this combination of input fields?
What is your use case?

0 Kudos

Hi Carsten, the goal is to have a single prices in line one and two for a one time fee and a monthly fee and the others are suppost to be prices for one service dependend on the quantity that is consumed so when there is a consumption of 10000 then the price per unit is 0,02 when the consumption is 750000 the price per unit is 0,005 etc.

I also filled the columsn for quantity like this: 



So i did some try and error with the values and also split up the price information for the one time and monthly fee into separat look up tables, which both work now.
If i now try to import the new reduced file with only the data for the usage based fee i get the error: "In line number 2, you are using either a volume or tier price condition. You need to add at least one more row with either scales or tiers."

Screenshot of the Data Sheet:


What am i missing ?



Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert

Hi Lukas,

for the definition of the lookup table it is not required to include the quantity. This is reflected in the price condition itself already, specifically the 'Range Value' and 'Range UoM or Currency' column. You maintain these columns for price condition types Volume or Tier.

Quantity ranges can be used if you have another criteria which is used to identify the price condition itself. For standard pricing scenarios this is probably not required.

The quantity which is applied to the price condition is part of the Calculate Price Element function in the pricing tree. 
In principle the typical pricing logic is: 
a) identify price condition by retrieving a row in a lookup table
b) calculate the price element by applying the quantity on the this price condition. 


Regarding your scenario:
In the predefined content we defined specific price elements for each type of charge (one-time, recurring, usage-based). 
While it is not mandatory to use separate lookup tables for the price definition, the separation into several price element specifications has some benefits:
different labels in the pricing result, different S/4 condition type for the type of charge. And for the sake of simplicity we defined for each price element specification a related lookup table.
Now it seems that you have followed a different path, at least a reuse of the lookup table for all charge types, which is a valid approach as long as the input fields are always the same. 
( Remark: Typically, the basic input for prices is the combination of productCode, marketId and rateElement. In case you want to use customer specific prices this is then extended by the customerId. If you do not use the productCode and marketId - like in your table - then this price condition is determined independant on the product or market, which rarely makes sense. )
In this case, a valid price definition would be:


Best regards,

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Hi Carsten, first of all thank you very much for the extensive guidance. My question to your last comment is, what do i have to do, so that i dont need to input values for the quantity columnes. Because if i fill them i get the error i wrote in my last comment and if i dont put anything in it, i get the error from my original post ?

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert

Hmm, probably you need to re-asses your table definition and adapt it accordingly.

If you are new to the topic, did you try to use the pricing scheme Initial provided by the predefined content?

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Maybe this helps, this is the LookUp Table ( i changed the inputs now, so its different then other screenshots):


Under Ranges the Code field is mandatory so i can either put "quantity" or "blockSize" in there 

And this is the pricing scheme:



So yeah, i didnt use the inital one but used the inital price elements

Its working now, my error was, that i choose the attribut "quantity" under ranges during the lookup table creation because it was marked with a red star tho i thought the field was mandatory ( and its not).
Thanks again Carsten for the help. 
Best regards Lukas