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Default profit center is not derived for the foreign currency remeasurement's journal entry.

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Your company has default profit center for cash subledger in business configuration settings. When you run foreign currency measurement run, there is no profit center in that journal entry.

Now you have to create manual journal entry so you can move that to profit center. You want to know is there possibility like how you can use default profit centers for foreign currency measurement runs?

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Whether a Profit Center is derived for Foreign Currency Remeasurement (Cash) depends on applied Reporting Principle.

For example if the Reporting Principle assigned to the set of books which is Funct of exp, profit ctr/seg [Profit center and segment]. This implies that for certain bank has no Profit Center is assigned for ongoing transactions.

You can illustrate this e.g. in Report ‘Journal’ for relevant Bank Account. Consequently no Profit Center is derived from resulting foreign currency remeasurements, regardless of Default Profit Center Definitions.

The situation would be different for assigned Reporting Principle "Funct of exp, profit ctr/seg, balancing" or "Funct of exp, profit ctr/seg, clearing".

With identical settings transactions on this bank account (e.g. bank-transfers) would debit/credit the Bank G/L Account and a Profit Center would be assigned – which in turn  would be assigned in Foreign Currency Remeasurement for Cash.

For additional information recommend to consult the Help-Document: "Reporting Principles"

Assigning Reporting Principles to Sets of Books

Profit center and segment [2]

With postings to income statement accounts, this reporting principle derives the profit center, and from the profit center it derives the segment.

In addition, the profit center is derived for postings to some balance sheet accounts (for example, material accounts). This makes it easier later to switch to a reporting principle that creates balance sheets by profit center.

In summary: Profit Center Postings against bank g/l account or EXR Gain/Loss account in this scenario will happen in case the applied Reporting Principle is "Funct of exp, profit ctr/seg, balancing" or "Funct of exp, profit ctr/seg, clearing".