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BPC NW 7.5 - Journals

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hello experts,

I understand that to post adjusting entries, we need to create a journal template. However, we can also achieve the same result by loading these adjusting entries via a flat file or an input schedule.

I need some clarification regarding the following:

1. What are the pros/cons of using a journal template VS the use of a flat file to post these adjusting entries?

2. What is the best way to post these adjusting entries? If so, why?

Please provide your expert guidance.



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Journals give you ability to POST / UNPOST/REPOST and COPY.

Unlike Data entered via Input Schedules / Data Manager, Journals do not get stored as "change" records

(Example: If you enter a value through data manager, existing value is zeroed out and then new value is entered - or only the deltas are applied).

They also do not run default logic.

Using journals is handy in YTD application as the capability to copy journals from month to month makes it easy.

0 Kudos


If the ENTITY is in the header then it will be balanced by each entity, if it is in the line items then it is only DEBIT = CREDIT, so it will not check if the numbers are balanced by each entity.

Hope this helps.



Former Member
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Journals are tracked via document number - so you have auditability as to who/when/what was posted. You can easily enforced balanced entries via journals as well.

Journals would generally be used more so for a Consolidation application than a Planning application - for entering adjustments.

Former Member
0 Kudos


Thanks for the response.

I understand that we can enforce the journals to be balanced. However, is it balanced for each entity, or is it just that the journal entry has the same 'debit' and 'credit' amount?

