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BPC Hierarchy Not aligned with BW

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Dear All

We are facing issue with one dimension [ profit center] hierarchy. The BPC package updating the parenth1 property is not updating for all members.

The BPC package pulls the same hierarchy existing in BW system. However for a a node in BW has nearly 32 child/base members. From this node the last child is not aligned to its node in BPC.

we tried to manually maintain parenth1 property in BPC. However this is not permanent fix.

We tried to assign the member which missing with parenth1 to other node in BW and ran BPC pacakge again. This time that member got new parent, however the last but one under that node lost its parenth1 property.

is there any limitation of child/bas members in hierarchy for a node ?

Please advise

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After looking on your transformation file I can see the line:


It means that you are using custom code to perform some processing.

I am 99% sure that your issue is related to the programming error in this custom code.

P.S. That was the reason I asked you to show transformation file!

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Hi Vadim

sure i will check this routine.

as far as i remember this routine is to erase existing hierarchy and reloads hierarchy.

One thing I noticed is when we delete the member 300416 under that node, and re run bpc package this time next member is loosing its hierarchy.

seems strange , that is the reason i asked if there any limitation

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"this routine is to erase existing hierarchy and reloads hierarchy" - ??? looks absolutely strange!

You don't need a badi to erase existing hierarchy!

ENDROUTINE badi will receive table after conversion process and the code can do something with data in this table. Debug this badi using endless loop in the beginning and you will see.