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Automate Owner property in BPC 10.0 from BW

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Hi Experts,

We would like to automate the master data from BW to BPC and for this I have a question regarding Owner property in Entity Dimension. For e.g. In BPC Entity Dimension, there is an Owner property. we have 2 Users at the moment Team 1 , Team 2 and Team 3. Team 1 and Team 2 for few Entities and Team 3 for few Entities.

My question is;

1. Is there a way to do something in the BPC Transformation file to update this property?

2. If we add a new Attribute in BW Info Object and update them with Team1, Team2, Team 3 against respective Entities, would this work when we extract this to BPC?

In case of any questions, please let me know.

Thank you.

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How to map in conversion:

In transformation mapping use:




Conversion for OWNER:

External Internal
ID001    TEAM1,TEAM2
ID002    TEAM1,TEAM2
ID003    TEAM1

If most of ENTITIES will have the same OWNER then map only other mapping, for the rest use at the end:

0 Kudos

Hi Vadim,

Great, thanks a lot for your support. I can opt for this solution.

Thank you once again.

Have a nice day.
