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Account Based COPA Report

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Hi Expert, 

we have developed both Account and Costing based COPA in a S/4HANA System. After we have created a report for Account Based COPA in KE30, linking all report rows to different Accounts or Group Accounts. 

When I execute the report I do not see any values on the rows even if the accounts are populated in ACDOCA (for example coming from FB01 posting or Billing Document). 

The only data that I see are the data coming from allocations or settlement. Could you help me to understand why?

In my opinion if I have to settle or allocate costs and revenue to COPA, in order to ensure report works it's nothing different respect Costing Based COPA.



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If I recall well.

You need to run a report which will bring the values into COPA.

This is needed if you have activated COPA once you already have transactions.


The following program are for Sales Order if you have activate the transfer also of sales documents into COPA

  • Program RKEAE005 (Tcode KE4F) - Prepare Subsequent posting of Incoming SalesOrders to COPA.  So basically you can check here that all the flows of data into COPA are correct (checking your configuration) if something is not flowing you will pick the problem here.

    This lets you check the post data from the current or past periods.

    Before you can post sales orders subsequently, the system needs to determine profitability segments to which the order items should be assigned, if this assignment does not already exist. In this step, you make that assignment so that you can then post the sales orders.

    On the selection screen, enter the criteria for the sales orders you want to post subsequently. The system selects those sales orders that meet the selection criteria and have not yet been assigned to a profitability segment.

    If errors occur, the system stores the corresponding messages in the log. After correcting the errors, you can start this function again to assign the sales orders that contained the errors.

    You can execute this program in the test mode so that no changes are made to the database. This makes it possible to check for any possible errors and correct these in advance.


  • Program RKEAE009 (Tcode KE4T) - Post Sales Orders Subsequently to Profitability Analysis. This function is especially useful if you activate CO-PA after you have already posted data productively in Sales and Distribution (SD) and want to transfer this data for the current period or past periods


The following program is if you have activate the Billing document transfer.

  • Program RKERV002 (Tcode KE4S) - Transfer SD Billing documents to CO-PA.  

    This function lets you transfer billing documents that exist in the system that have been posted to financial accounting to the costing-based or combined profitability analysis retroactively. This is particularly useful if you go productive with CO-PA later than you do with SD and you wish to post the profitability data for the current or previous period(s) to CO-PA.

    You can specify the billing documents to be transferred by entering:

    • The billing document number
    • The billing date
    • The sales organization
    • The distribution channel and/or division.

    The program checks whether the billing data has already been posted in Profitability Analysis to avoid the same billing documents being transferred twice - once online and a second time with the subsequent posting program in Profitability Analysis.

    After execution, the program delivers a log that consists of a transfer log and an error log. The program must then be started again for billing documents with errors.


    • The operating concern to which you want to transfer the billing data must be defined and generated.
    • The fields in the billing document must be assigned to the value fields or the quantity fields in the operating concern.


    Post your billing data from the sales system (SD) to Profitability Analysis.

    Further notes

    This function also allows you to repost billing documents correctly if they have been transferred into CO-PA via incorrect derivation. If you activate the "Reversal of line items" indicator, the system cancels the incorrect line item and, in the same step, writes a new line item for which the current derivation rules are taken into account. You need to activate the "Redetermine prof. segment" indicator for this.


  • Program RKEFI005 (Tcode KE4SFI) - Document transfer from Financial documents into COPA. 

    You can use this function to transfer FI documents in the system to the costing-based or combined profitability analysis.

    The program checks whether the FI documents have already been posted in Profitability Analysis to avoid the same documents being transferred twice - once online and a second time with the subsequent posting program in Profitability Analysis.


    It is only possible to transfer documents that already contain an account assignment to a profitability segment.


  • Program RKEMM005 (Tcode KE4SMM) Transfer from Materials Documents to COPA. 

    You can use this function to transfer MM documents in the system to the costing-based or combined profitability analysis.

    The program checks whether the MM documents have already been posted in Profitability Analysis to avoid the same documents being transferred twice - once online and a second time with the subsequent posting program in Profitability Analysis.


    It is only possible to transfer documents that already contain an account assignment to a profitability segment.


So please use this functionality to:

  1. Check that the pipes of information are correctly set
  2. Import previous transactions into your COPA tables.

If point one is correct the new transactions should flow into COPA. If not correct you will have to correct the definition of the value fields into COPA..

Hope this helps you

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Hi AlterEgo, thanks for reply, but I think that the point is different. i want to use Account Based COPA so value fields should not be needed right? Maybe the issue is that I have the posting on Sales on WBS so they need to be settled on COPA. If this is the point so please explain me the difference with the Costing based because I do not catch honestly.
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Hi Armando,
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Sorry I pressed the return button before I could finish. getting used to this interface. Hi Armando, the differences between Cost Based and account based in COPA are • Cost Based COPA o Allow estimates – you can add your own estimates calculations. However, because of this also the reconciliation with finance might result difficult o Allow to valuate incoming sales order (as expected revenue) to obtain early analysis of anticipated profit o No accounts are display just characteristics so reconciliation can only be achieved trough value fields mapping or Account based COPA • Account Based COPA o Reconcile with Finance o Uses accounts to display the data In Cost Based you mapped the different components of the Sales and Distribution Pricing procedure to Value fields in COPA, that way you can obtain “Discounts”, “Surcharges”, etc. which never hit an account allowing you to analyzed things like: • The impact of a promotion • The possible Revenue lost because of a particular discount taken (which do not get posted and are only part of the calculation) • Revenue earned from particular Surcharges (which do not get posted and are only part of the calculation) In Account Based what gets transfer to COPA is not the components of the pricing procedures but just the entries into the GL account to which the documents will be posted. This cause that some data is lost if the pricing procedure components are only used for a calculation and are not mapped into an Account. Of course one way to bridge this would be to assign accounts to these pricing procedure components but then basically you are building your Profitability Analysis report in your Chart of Accounts. I think that is why SAP create the Cost Based, so you do not have to do that. Find here a diagram which shows what I just explain and shows why reconciliation in Cost Based is difficult (as many value fields can be mapped to same or different accounts or to none)
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I tried to upload a diagram but I could not, don't know how
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Hi, Thank you for the reply. Could you please elaborate on the difference on how the data is transfered to COPA report between account and cost based COPA? From my understanding the account based COPA should be fetching the data directly from the ACDOCA table. Thanks