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Olá pessoal!


Liberamos a SAP Note 3116782, que contém as mudanças relacionadas a versão 3.0.8 do Guia Prático da EFD ICMS IPI.

Veja abaixo as alterações entregues nesta SAP Note para atender o novo layout:

  1. Versão do layout: 016, com validade a partir de 01/01/2022.

  2. Alteração do tamanho máximo do campo 03 do registro C120 de 12 para 15 caracteres.

  3. Exclusão do registro 1600.

  4. Inclusão do registro 1601,

    1. O registro será gerado a partir do preenchimento da tabela shadow. /TMF/D_OP_P_ELET.

    2. O registro 1010 considerará as informações do registro 1601 no preenchimento do campo 08.

  5. Inclusão do campo 04 – COD_BARRA no registro 0220.

  6. Inclusão dos campos 34 a 40 no registro C500.

    1. O campo COD_GRUPO deve ser preenchido através da tabela complementar /TMF/D_NFDOC_CPL.

  7. Adição do código 4 – Remetente direto Simples Nacional no campo 18 do registro C176.

  8. Inclusão do documento fiscal NF3-e (código 66) na escrituração do registro B020.

  9. Exclusão do registro 0210.


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Também não se esqueça de seguir a tag SAP Tax Declaration Framework for Brazil aqui na SAP Community para ficar ligado nas últimas notícias sobre o TDF Add-on.


Um abraço e até a próxima,

Time de desenvolvimento TDF



TDF: New Layout 16 for EFD ICMS IPI

Hello guys!

We have released SAP Note 3116782, which contains the changes related to version 3.0.8 of the Guia Prático da EFD ICMS IPI.

See below the changes delivered in this SAP Note to meet the requirements of the new layout:

  1. Layout version: 016, valid from 01/01/2022.

  2. Changed the maximum length of the field 03 of record C120 from 12 to 15 characters.

  3. Exclusion of the register 1600.

  4. Inclusion of the register 1601.

    1. The register will be generated by filling the shadow table /TMF/D_OP_P_ELET.

    2. The register 1010 will consider the information from register 1601 when filling in the field 08.

  5. Inclusion of field 04 – COD_BARRA in the register 0220.

  6. Inclusion of fields 34 to 40 in the register C500.

    1. The field COD_GRUPO must be filled using the complementary table /TMF/D_NFDOC_CPL.

  7. Addition of code 4 – Remetente direto Simples Nacional in field 18 of the register C176.

  8. Inclusion of the NF3-e tax document (code 66) in the ledger of register B020.

  9. Exclusion of record 0210.

We would love to receive your feedback. Leave your comment below if you have any questions or suggestions for next blog posts.

In addition to comments, you can contact us through the Customer Influence platform. There, you can propose ideas to improve our product, vote on other ideas that have already been published, and follow up on ideas that are being implemented.

Also, don't forget to follow the SAP Tax Declaration Framework for Brazil tag here in the SAP Tax Declaration Framework for Brazil to stay tuned for the latest news about the TDF Add-on.

Thanks and see you soon,

TDF development team