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A Multitude of XBRL Varieties - with DM

Starting in 2009, SAP Disclosure Management has evolved to support a long list of XBRL scenarios in countries around the world including the US, Canada, Mexico, Colombia, Israel, Denmark, Germany, Italy, United Kingdom and all other member states of the European Economic Area.

While XBRL adoption by more and more regulatory bodies worldwide is gaining speed, DM continues to support new scenarios. Recent additions to the list are Filings to the

  • Bank of Israel

  • Superintendencia Financiera de Colombia

  • Bolsa Mexicana de Valores

  • UK Financial Reporting Council

  • Danish Commerce and Companies Agency

  • and filings according to the Italian Civil Code

Further scenarios will be added following the intent to
     - enable compliance -
meaning that SAP provides SAP Disclosure Management with the capabilities that enable customers to create their filings with regards to the creation of input schedules, XBRL creation, validation, previews and submission.

This, on the other hand, means that DM generally* does not deliver compliance: All content required (think of input templates) can and has to be derived from the respective regulatory taxonomy of each scenario. This way, customers are able to own the content and adapt it to their needs. Customers are enabled to tag their XBRL reports based on the individual taxonomy or even auto-generate templates in case of given closed taxonomies.

In any case, enabled compliance means less dependency and fast roll-outs of new taxonomy versions for all DM XBRL customers.


Yet another scenario supported with Stack 703

With Stack 703 released on 18 Oct 2016 Danish customers can now use SAP Disclosure Management for Annual Statement Filings to the Danish Commerce and Companies Agency according to the Annual Accounts Act (årsregnskabsloven).

Needless to say that DM continues to enable its customers to comply to updated regulatory requirements. The recently released Stack 703 features as well the following good things:

US SEC arelle® Validation now including Data Quality Checks

In addition to the already known EFM validation checks performed by arelle® you can now benefit from arelle's® Data Quality Checks (DQCs).

Asset Encumbrance DE and FINREP DE

Deutsche Bundesbank Asset Encumbrance and FINREP supervisory reporting are now supported using the regulator’s taxonomy See as well SAP Note 2379054.


Further Information

The following SAP Notes will tell you more details about Stack 703:

Release Note 2373166
Installation Note 2373171
Taxonomy Support Note for AE & FINREP DE 2379054
Central Stack Note 2138656  


* exceptions include German E-Bilanz Tax Filings as well as a list of national EIOPA and EBA sub-scenarios which come with a given set of SAP Templates.



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