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Writing this series of  blog post  on SAP's Banking products formerly known as SAP Bank Analyser now known as SAP Financial Planning SubLedger or SAP FPSL. SAP was eagerly working straight after SAP S/4 HANA release to provide banking solutions on it's flagship product Database i.,e  SAP HANA and SAP Application suite ABAP stack on top it.

The main reason of writing this blog post is to showcase the power of SAP's HANA database and there are less information available except on the SAP's FSDP official website/Video.

Here in this series of blog post I will talk about SAP FSDP/FSDM at first later in part 2 I will post about SAP FPSL or formerly known as SAP Bank Analyser.

On 2017 SAP released SAP Bank Analyser as a ready made banking solutions for Financial customers. Subsequently SAP Achieved automated IFRS compliance with SAP S/4HANA for Insurance and Banking customers.

Here in this blog post I am going to write about SAP's ready made data model on Native HANA XSA modeling done on SAP WEB IDE  which is called SAP FSDP/FSDM and then how data from SAP FSDP is moved to SAP's Financial Products subledger i,e SAP FPSL for sub ledger/chartfields generation. Then finally data to be sit on SAP S/4 HANA central finance to generate Universal journal entry on ACDOCA table and ACDOCP to do planning using SAP Analytics cloud etc.

In this blog post we will see here how SAP is providing these solutions together and how these solutions are helping Banking and Financial customers across the globe. Recently SAP is partnered with Dediq Bank to form SAP Fioneer which will mainly focus on SAP's banking and insurance solutions for its customers. This is really awesome to use the power on SAP's core database i.e., SAP HANA and generate accounting logic in ABAP.

  • What is SAP FSDP/FSDM

SAP's Financial services data platform/Management is an open data management platform for financial services industry which provides a ready made model to Banking customers where data from various sources such as Capital market systems  Murex Data mart, Calypso, Retail Banking or Investment Banking data from various data marts configured on premise or cloud, data from Hadoop systems or any other flat files and CSV files are extracted, transformed and loaded into a SAP Data warehouse using SAP SDI flow graphs, SAP BODS, SAP FSDP's read and write procedures provided and to load  in the FSDP data models for Banking Industry solution on HANA XSA 2.0 is called SAP FSDM.

Basically SAP FSDP or FSDM lays down the foundation stone  for SAP FPSL to read financial Transactions or Financial Events or Business Transactions  from data models which are already defined for banking customers in Native HANA XSA 2.0.

Bank's mainly use NON SAP system for their OLTP systems. Those systems can be Online trading software, Post trade management software or any NON SAP OLTP system  etc.

Models Such as Financial contract, Interests,Master data such as  Business partners, Portfolios, Business Transactions , Fees or any Banking specific models  etc.

what are the main challenges of Financial Industry today ?

[ These below challenges for a banking industry I had taken from SAP's Official FSDP video introduction for Financial Customers and SAP holds rights for it] 

  • Connecting Big Data and Enterprise data.

  • Business users need access to the data.

  • Traditional Data warehouse struggle to deliver.

Here are the pictorial representation of the challenges of Financial Industry. For more information please visit SAP's official website. The actual content of below snaps is from SAP's official website. 


SAP Financial services Data Platform-Next Generation Data Management.

  • Get agility into new information needs and act at the speed of business with data driven

  • Connect and integrate to existing data management tools and techniques incl. open-source data lakes.

  • Develop a road map for simplification and reduction of data redundancies through the data

  • Seamless integration into existing data landscape to create transparency across all data


Below picture shows the Financial Services Data Platform (FSDP ) on HANA Native xsa 2.0


The Multipurpose Data model for all financial services companies

  • Cover all business domains in the FS industry.

  • Semantic description of real work entities.

  • Conceptual data model understood by business owner.

  • Physical data model generated from conceptual model.



The 2nd Big Problem solved by SAP for Banking customers is connect the enterprise data with the Big Data.

Data from various source systems are extracted, Transformed and loaded into a centralized warehouse which is on SAP HANA XSA DB which is FSDM models and is called Inbound  further pushed into FPSL via outbound remote connection mechanism to derive source and results data layer(SDL/RDL). FPSL I will write in my 2nd blog post.

How SAP HANA 2.0 XSA as a financial data product can solve the challenge.

Please see the Detailed Architecture 

The recommended process for loading data from SAP Financial Services Data
Management (FSDM) to SAP S/4HANA for financial products subledger (FPSL) using the Data Load Layer (DLL) approach. The figure below shows the architecture for end-to-end data loading from FSDM to FPSL and the Federation of results data from FPSL to FSDM.


How this whole thing is done in HANA XSA 2.0

The Financial Service Data Platform is an integrative data platform. Once the source data has been mapped to the FSDM data model, it must be loaded with the specific interfaces to ensure bi-temporal versioning. For this it is necessary to connect the data sources to the HANA database.

Apache Kafka

The "state of the art" open source solution to manage data streams Implementation of streaming or batch loading with the help of Kafka and complementary tools such as Kafka Streams or Spark Embedding in a Hadoop Data Lake possible

SLT, Smart Data Access and Smart Data Integration,

SAP HANA native tools for data integration from external sources

SAP HANA flowgraphs or SQL procedures offer the possibility for data transformation and integration of the write interfaces of SAP FSDM

SAP HANA task chains offer the possibility to define dependencies on individual data loading processes, which can be controlled and scheduled with the SAP HANA task chain monitor.

SAP Data Hub

SAP's data integration platform of the future

Connection of external systems and execution of individual scripts via graphical data pipelines

Versatile adapters and interfaces to common SAP and non-SAP data sources

Dedicated ETL tools

Tools such as SAP BODS, Informatica, Talend or customer developments offer proven ETL processes and are often already used in existing system landscapes

These tools can be adapted to the FSDM specific transformations

In the last step, the HANA native FSDM dateload functions must be called


  • State of the are in memory platform appliance.Much more than just a DB.

  • Columnar storage for optimum read write operations and compression.

  • Single host and multiple tenants i.e., Multi tenant database container. 1 tenant for Native HANA XSA 2.0 and other tenant for SAP S/4 Centra Finance or SAP FPSL etc.

Case Study

HANA WEB IDE Features ( Create design time and Run time Artifacts)

  •  Each Schema created under a space is a dedicated container.

  • SAP HANA XSA DB acting as a centralised warehouse with columnar storage etc.

  • a developer can work on his dedicated container and no much dependency.Proper Check in and Check out with Git, Bitbucket integration.

  • A base table can be exposed as a Synonyms to other HDI containers and even to remote connections.

  • Remote connections can be created across tenants or else with NON SAP sources with the help of adapters.

  • E2E modelling capabilities to create CVs with in HANA DB itself as a design time artifacts and later created a run time artifacts in HANA DB.

  • Capable to connect SAP BOBJ, SAP Analytics Cloud, Microsoft Power BI etc for reporting and Visualizations. Later planning capabilities are available on SAP SAC for revenue and cost forecasting.

  • Any web services can be called with XSJS or by creating  inbuilt node JS modules etc.

  • ETL flows can be called on automation tools such as IBM Tivoli, Control M and SAP BPA by Redwood.

  • We can create modules on Fiori, Python, Node JS and expose the entity to internet or cloud platforms.

  • Various read write procedures with in FSDM itself to read and write data into FSDM models via Stored procedures table type.

  • Enough modelling capabilities using CVs and Table function nodes, stored procedures etc.

  • SDA capability with the help of data provisioning to connect to virtual tables in Hive and other big data/Hadoop systems.

  • Heterogeneous and NON heterogenous partitioning capabilities for complex datasets.

  • Representations of data at it's lowest level of granularity by leveraging HANA's in memory mechanism and compression algorithms.

HANA XSA Web IDE Structure for SDI Flowgraphs, Stored procedures, Table Functions, CVs or Column View, Views, Table Types, Configuration file to maintain Synonyms across HDI containers and cross tenants and all these design time artifacts etc.

Recently a dedicated entity i.e, SAP Fioneer is formed to focus on Banking and Financial solutions.Definately SAP FSDP/FSDM is going to be a game changer for Banking and financial industry sector.

The terms SAP fsdp/fsdp, FPSL are SAP's proprietary products and this blog post is written only for showcasing the power of this product for Banking and Financial industry.

Thank you,

Narasingha Prasad Patro