Hello Folks,
I hope you are doing good.
A couple of days ago I came across a situation that is, a little bit, unusual. I was dealing with work statuses and locking on certain data regions.
In short, the scenario that I'm working on demands that a certain ENTITY owner locks several [VERSION,TIME] (VERSION is a CATEGORY dimension) combinations in one shot. Instead of letting him do this manually, I thought of using Script Logic.
I already knew that Script Logic would not contain a straightforward way to do this (I mean the NW SL has a reduced feature set from its MS counterpart, and the MS version couldn't do this directly so...), so I thought to myself: Why don't I use BAdI?
After a little digging inside the BW object explorer, I found the ABAP classes that manage the Work Statuses and I found a little example built-in with a sample program to test those classes right inside BW. What a jolly coincidence, thank you SAP!
I started copying and pasting the bits and pieces, modifying and shrinking the source to form just just what I needed.
I came up with the following code (Excuse my lousy coding, I met ABAP a week ago. Good thing it's object oriented!)
******** Data and Type declarations
dimension TYPE uj_dim_name, " Dimension Name
parameter TYPE char20, " Parameter Name
modif_id TYPE char04, " Modification Group
text_id TYPE char20, " Text(Label) Field
END OF t_dims.
DATA: user type UJ0_S_USER,
user_id TYPE uj0_s_user-user_id,
gr_work_status_mgr type ref to CL_UJW_WORK_STATUS_MGR,
lt_dim_mem TYPE ujw_t_dim_mem,
ls_dim_mem LIKE LINE OF lt_dim_mem,
gt_dims TYPE TABLE OF t_dims,
gs_dims LIKE LINE OF gt_dims,
gs_user TYPE uj0_s_user,
appset_id TYPE uja_appset_info-appset_id,
incl_child TYPE abap_bool,
status TYPE uj_status,
gr_exception TYPE REF TO cx_uj_static_check, "cx_ujw_work_status_error,
ls_param TYPE ujk_s_script_logic_hashentry,
l_log TYPE string,
l_entity(32) TYPE c,
l_time(32) TYPE c,
l_status(32) TYPE c,
l_version(32) TYPE c,
application_id TYPE uja_appl-application_id.
******** Since this is an implementation of the BADI_UJ_CUSTOM_LOGIC interface, I used the following parameters to get the Appset and the application IDs.
appset_id = I_APPSET_ID.
application_id = I_APPL_ID.
******** I hardcoded my user id just for testing purposes.
******** You can use an ABAP method that can get you the currently logged-on user. In fact this is what you should do!
user_id = 'RIZKJ'.
gs_user-USER_ID = user_id.
******** I do not want to include the children of the entity!
incl_child = abap_false.
******** I started reading the parameters that will be passed from Script Logic:
CLEAR ls_param.
READ TABLE it_param WITH KEY hashkey = 'VERSION' INTO ls_param.
IF sy-subrc NE 0.
l_log = 'You have not specified the parameter ''VERSION'' which is required.'.
cl_ujk_logger=>log( i_object = l_log ).
RAISE EXCEPTION TYPE cx_uj_custom_logic.
l_version = ls_param-hashvalue.
cl_ujk_logger=>log( i_object = l_version ).
CLEAR ls_param.
READ TABLE it_param WITH KEY hashkey = 'ENTITY' INTO ls_param.
IF sy-subrc NE 0.
l_log = 'You have not specified the parameter ''ENTITY'' which is required.'.
cl_ujk_logger=>log( i_object = l_log ).
RAISE EXCEPTION TYPE cx_uj_custom_logic.
l_entity = ls_param-hashvalue.
cl_ujk_logger=>log( i_object = l_entity ).
CLEAR ls_param.
READ TABLE it_param WITH KEY hashkey = 'TIME' INTO ls_param.
IF sy-subrc NE 0.
l_log = 'You have not specified the parameter ''TIME'' which is required.'.
cl_ujk_logger=>log( i_object = l_log ).
RAISE EXCEPTION TYPE cx_uj_custom_logic.
l_time = ls_param-hashvalue.
cl_ujk_logger=>log( i_object = l_time ).
CLEAR ls_param.
READ TABLE it_param WITH KEY hashkey = 'STATUS' INTO ls_param.
IF sy-subrc NE 0.
l_log = 'You have not specified the parameter ''STATUS'' which is required.'.
cl_ujk_logger=>log( i_object = l_log ).
RAISE EXCEPTION TYPE cx_uj_custom_logic.
l_status = ls_param-hashvalue.
cl_ujk_logger=>log( i_object = l_status ).
********Here, we are reading the parameter that will contain the status. The status is a numerical code that is found in a table starting with "UJW_". Just search for it and you will find it!
status = l_status.
******** Here, we are filling the dimension table that will contain the dimensions intersection that will be affected by the work status change.
CLEAR ls_dim_mem.
ls_dim_mem-dimension = 'MINING_ENTITY'.
ASSIGN l_entity TO <lv_member>.
ls_dim_mem-member = <lv_member>.
APPEND ls_dim_mem TO lt_dim_mem.
CLEAR ls_dim_mem.
ls_dim_mem-dimension = 'TIME'.
ASSIGN l_time TO <lv_member>.
ls_dim_mem-member = <lv_member>.
APPEND ls_dim_mem TO lt_dim_mem.
CLEAR ls_dim_mem.
ls_dim_mem-dimension = 'VERSION'.
ASSIGN l_version TO <lv_member>.
ls_dim_mem-member = <lv_member>.
APPEND ls_dim_mem TO lt_dim_mem.
******** And this is where the magic happens! We instantiate the gr_work_status_mgr object with a factory object builder (nice use of design patterns!)
gr_work_status_mgr = cl_ujw_work_status_mgr=>factory(
is_user = gs_user
i_appset = appset_id ).
******** And we call the method that will change the work status!
i_applid = application_id
it_dim_mem = lt_dim_mem
i_incl_children = incl_child
i_status = status ).
MESSAGE text-023 TYPE 'S'.
CATCH cx_uj_static_check INTO gr_exception.
******** I caught the exception and did absolutely nothing with it! You should not! Log it or something...
You have to excuse my fascination, I'm still relatively new to ABAP and I was surprised that it had incorporated some of the features of more modern programming languages. I was expecting something hideous like COBOL! (With all my excuses to all the COBOL advocates)
There are some comments that need to be put in place:
Now to call the code from Script Logic, you have to create a new Logic Script! Name it whatever you like and put inside the following piece of script:
TIME = 2012.01
You can call this method multiple times for more than one intersection. You can even use a FOR loop and some data manager variables to call this for multiple intersections at once. In example:
This took me quite a bit to figure out and I hope it will be useful for some. All comments are welcome!
Have a great time,
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