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Since BPC Embedded has been released a big shift from using Data Manager Packages (EPM Add-in) to Task Sequences in the Consolidation Monitor was introduced.

Different from the DM Packages where you can find the logs in the execution list or even the respective file in the BPC file system (UJFS), with the Task Sequences this is not that simple.

Unfortunately, from a logging/messaging perspective, Embedded Consolidation is still on baby steps, as no standard reports can be found to tell you a bit more in case of errors, especially when those obnoxious messages with "Failed" and nothing more are shown in the consolidation monitor.

There are however, a few things you can do to help you narrow down the possible issues:

1- SLG1 Logs

Through note 2393020 - Improvement of log for embedded consolidation you can enable the system to further give you information about the number of records queried out from the ownership/consolidation cube and number of records to be posted for example.

In the example above, the first line you can see the number of records pulled from the Ownership cube, followed by the number of records in the consolidation cube in the fourth line and finally the number of records to be posted in the last line.

Additionally, clicking on the "detail" icon, the filters used to retrieve the data are displayed.

2- Task sequence log table

Another source of information when there is an error in the consolidation task sequence is the log table: UJP_PROC_LOG - Consolidation Process error log

The table will hold not just the error messages but also the consolidation documents posted on that run, if you are using RTC. Below is a combination of both:

To find the related logs, you need first to fetch the process ID (field PROCESS_ID) in table:

  • UJP_PROC_STEP - BPC: Process Step of Consolidation

Simply look for the combination MODEL / CATEGORY / GROUP / PERIOD

One interesting thing you will notice is that the logs in SLG1 are not the same as the ones in the table.


Another resource, brought in SAP note: 2492528 - A trouble-shooting tool for BPC task sequence at backend, is the possibility to trigger the business rules in the backend via ABAP program BPC_TASK_SEQ_TEST.

The note 2525443 - How to execute consolidation business rules from SAP NetWeaver (backend) for BPC embedded model, walk through with an example on how to get the XML value to the program.

In cases where logs are not enough, you might require to "debug" the consolidation process to find the issue. Obviously is not a simple task. The consolidation engine class is quite complex and extensive, but well, there are cases where is the only alternative.

Just as a reference, below are the ABAP classes for each business rule:

  • Consolidation


  • Currency Conversion


  • Balance Carry Forward


  • Account Transformation


  • IC Booking


If the process is terminated because of a short dump or because you have exited the debugger, you will need to reset the process table:

  • UJP_PROC_STEP - BPC: Process Step of Consolidation

By deleting the entry for the combination Model / CATEGORY / GROUP / PERIOD you have executed. Or alternatively via consolidation monitor using the button "reset".

Additional notes:

2514586 - Improve error handling of report BPC_TASK_SEQ_TEST

2606252 - Remove entries with value is zero when write data in consolidation process with BPC Embedded