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Program to Clear unwanted entries from table GRACUSERROLE

Sometimes the table GRACUSERROLE is updated with lower and upper-case user id causing unwanted entries resulting in performance issue.

To Overcome this performance issue and to clear unwanted entries SAP has come up with a program which needs to be activated by performing few manual activities. For more information on this program, refer to note no: 2574046


Program to Archive Old Requests


Archiving removes mass data that the system no longer needs online, but which must still be accessible later if required, from the database. SAP has come up with a program GRFNMW_ARCHIVE_WRITE to archive the old requests.


Select the 'Production mode' option if you need to archive else use the test option to test it after selecting the process ID and Instance ID for which you are planning to archive the requests.


Program to Retrieve missing firefighter logs


SAP has introduced a new program GRAC_EAM_LOG_SYNC_TIMEBASED which helps to retrieve the missing firefighter logs due to application dumps or downtimes or if the approval or log workflows got cancelled due to some error.



For Detailed information on this program, please refer to SAP NOTE No: 2072462


Program to Update the Login Status of Firefighter


Sometimes, The FFID remains logged in when the Firefighter directly exits the remote system without refreshing the Logon Pad. This prevents the other user to login using the same FFID.  The Login status for the Firefighter cannot be refreshed by other user until the Firefighter refreshed the Launch Pad.


For these kind of Scenarios, SAP has introduced a New Program GRAC_FFID_LOGIN_STATUS_UPDATE where the FFID can be specified which will get unlocked.



For Detailed information on this program, please refer to SAP NOTE No: 1982752


Program to Cleanup EAM Application Data


SAP has introduced a program GRAC_SPM_CLEANUP which helps to delete the following data from EAM Application with a pop-up for Confirmation.


Please be careful with the program or else you will end up without any application data in EAM.


Program to Cleanup Critical Roles


SAP has introduced a program GRAC_CRITICAL_ROLE_CLEANUP which helps to delete the Critical Roles Available in the GRC by deleting the entries from the tables GRACCRROLE and GRACCRROLET.




Program to Sync Users if the back end system is down


If the backend system goes down during user synchronization in full mode, there is no way to sync that user range other than executing the synchronization job in full mode again.


To Overcome this issue, SAP has introduced a program GRAC_ROLEREP_USER_SYNC_RETRY has been modified to get the user information of the ranges which could not be synced because the backend (R/3) system went down.


For Detailed information on this program, please refer to SAP NOTE No: 2364695


Program to Delete ARA Table’s data


SAP has introduced two programs GRAC_DELETE_ACCESS_RULES to delete data from the table based on the connector whereas GRAC_DELETE_ACCESS_RULES_ALL: Deletion of tables’ data of all the connectors maintained in the system.


For Detailed information on this program, please refer to SAP NOTE No: 1676255



You are most welcome to add more programs to this blog.


Rakesh Ram M