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Wrong Credit Control Area (CCA) in accounting

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Dear All

Could some one help me to resolve the following issue.

One sales order has "N" no. of line Items. Also, there are "N" invoices created for the same sales order. i.e. Payer, Sales area, Company code remains the same. The accounting document of these invoices are getting posted in different CCA. How is this possible? What all parameters should i check?

Please help!!!




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Former Member
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Hi Patel,

Pls provide following informations to understand the issue:

1.How many CCA you are using

2.How CCA determination is configured in system in SD as well as in FI i.e. is it standard or on user exit basis

3.Check whether Overwritting of contro area is allowed at company code level (check this in SPRO->Asignment>Financial accounting-->Assign compnay code to contorl area.



Former Member
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Hi Sanjay,

1. In all we are using 5 CCA.(0100,0200,0300,0400,0500). The CCA that is assigned to our company code is 0100. Also, the overwriting is allowed at the company code level.

2. How do i check whether the CCA is getting determined through configuration or Exit? Because in system i can see the assignment of Sales area and CCA in SD side. From FI side the assignment for Company code and CCA is present. Please guide me how can i see whether it is getting determined through exit. Is there any other settings that i need to check.

Please suggest




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i agree that there might be user-exit existing in ur system for determining CCA. you can get a quick look in CMOD. see if there's any enhancements for this purpose.


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Pls check the User exit EXIT_SAPFV45K_001 and confirm back.



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I checked that exit. No code is written in that exit.

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May be this will help,

Your cross thread..

/message/9491023#9491023 [original link is broken]

Former Member
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The customer credit master data was mantained after creating one invoice of that sales order.

Due to which the first invoice was taking the default CCA assigned to the company code. All the invoices created after Mantaining this credit master picked up the correct CCA

Sorry for the trouble.

Thanks for the inputs

Closing this thread

Edited by: D_D_Patel on Sep 7, 2010 12:44 PM