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Withholding TAX and VAT Code - France

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Hi Guru,

I'm implementing a new company in France for my italian client. I'm looking for the Withholding TAX list and VAT Code list that I have to implement in the system specific for the Country of France.

Which are the withholding taxs in France?

Which are the VAT Codes in France?

Please, could you help me? 

Best Regards


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Hi Erwin,

Thanks in advance.

I will wait for your news.



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What bank (client) will you use?

What bank will be house bank

Do you have some information from house bank

Sepa will be a topic - I would say.

Where to send my invoice (address)

Br erwin

Former Member
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Hi Erwin,

the bank (client) will be BNP PARIBAS.

My client will use only one account bank.

In my system I don't find the standard format for LCR magnetique payment method.

thanks a lot.



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As far as I know SEPA is compulsary in France, too.

Starting 01 02 2014.

Find information about SEPA on SCN:

I would speak with BNP if they offer some tools for testing and checking SEPA files.

Normally bank client has possibility for checking payment files.

Anyway you can find information on SAP Marketplace. You need S ID.

I have book about SEPA and SAP material. A long lasting topic so a lot of stuff is available.

SAP offers training and training material how to implement SEPA.

But we have to keep copyright in our mind.

all the best Erwin

Former Member
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Hi Erwin,

I will speak with the BNP for the check my files and I will ask if there is a tool for the testing the file. If I will have news, I will write you.

In other experience my old client used "SAPPHIRE" software where I sent the XML file test.

Thanks for all



0 Kudos

Hi Giampaolo

I take your discussion  on the road

in France for LCR( your prefere BOE)  the file to use is :SAPBPFRIPBOE_AFB

Sepa is not for LCR is Only for bank transfer  and Standing order

Hope my reply help you


Jean marc

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Hi Marc,

thans for your reply.

In my system I don't find the BOE payment method, maybe it is LCC payment method? If yes, In the my system I find this format RFFOD__S.

Could you explain to me the BOE payment method? Is the BOE payment method equal to LCR magnétique or it is different?

Thanks in advance



0 Kudos

Hi Giampaolo

BOE ( Bill of Exchange)  it's the same that  LCR magnétique. LCR magnétique is French name and BOE is English Name

But can you explain to me that you don't find the format SAPBPFRIBOE_AFB, you haven't french localisation for your customer?


Jean marc

Former Member
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Hi Marc,

my system is SAP ECC 6.0, and I don't find the format SAPBPFRIBOE_AFB, maybe is there a note. Do you know it?

I'm italian and I can say that BOE is equal to RI.BA (more or less) in italian, is it correct?

Thank you very munch



0 Kudos

Hi Giampaolo

the traduction of Bll of exchange in italian is "cambiale"

I hope help you


Former Member
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Hi Marc,

thanks for your reply.

Could you say me what is the BOR in france? I thought that it was a BOE.

Thanks a lot.



0 Kudos

Hi Giampolo

A BOR  is little as a bill of exchange, except that issuing and profitable are inverted. Most of the rules which govern the bill of exchange apply to the BOR.

A BOR is emitted by the customer towards his supplier where as a bill of exchange is emitted by the supplier towards the customer.

The bank transfert file is the same except some code but the design is same


Jean Marc

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LCR magnétique would be payment method "2" in France best practice.

It is similar to RIBA in SAP and follows the BOE processing.

Means the payment file is generated in 2 steps :

1 - F110 : Generation of the BOE with SGL code W

2 - FBWE : Remittance of BOE, generation of the file for the bank (file format FR01 or FR02, to be selected in the last tab of FBWE).

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In France there will be changes concerning VAT in 2014.

VAT 2014 France:


5 %



These are the percantage rates of the VAT codes.

20% is regular rate

5% is  used for energy, food, ....

10% normally for building industry and catering

2,1 for medicine

just a few examples.

all the best Erwin

Former Member
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Hi Erwin,

thanks for your reply. You are very kind.

I knew that there were several VAT Code for the Asset, but if I have understood right, for the asset I will use only the 10%. Is it correct?

Do you have the Withholding tax list?

Thanks a lot.

Best regards


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Thank you for your positiv feedback

I will take a look finding out details

I try to answer today

I know 10% for building INDUSTRY

SO I ask for a bit patient

Br erwin

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What I found out.

France 7% and new from 01 01 2014 10% this means 7% go to 10%

10% with. Tax for:

food product


transportation service for people

books on special data memory

fee for cinema and theatre

pay tv

caring domestic architecture (a part of building industry)

repair for private dwelling space

cleaning of windows and private dwelling space

agriculture goods

hotel costs

restaurant services

garbage disposal

domestic care services

Hope this helps.

all the best Erwin

Former Member
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Hi Erwin,

thank you very much.

these information will be certainly helpful.



Former Member
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Hi Erwin,

a clarification about TVA Calculator.


I bought energy for an amount of 100 euro, the TVA for this item is 5%. My TVA would be (100*5%)= 5. Is it correct? or My TVA would be [100*(20% - 5%]= 15.

Could you explain to me the correct calculator?

Thanks in advance



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I do not know if I understand your quesition properly.

Example: How we in Austria calculate this matter.

Price of good EUR 120,-- including 20% VAT.

Calcullation: (120/120)*100 = basis amount = 100 + 20% VAT = 120

Why 120: 100+20% VAT

Good EUR 120,-- including 10% VAT

(120/110)*100 = basis net amount = 109,09 + 10% VAT = 120,-- or 109,09 * 1,1

all the best Erwin

Former Member
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Hi Erwin,

thanks a lot!

Now I'm looking for any clarification about the payment method used in France for automatic payment. Do you have any information or any suggestion?



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This is rather easy.

Maybe I have some documentation  about it.

Anyway not difficult.

br erwin