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WIP Batch Create Button is missing in COR6N

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Hi All,

I need help with Work in progress batch creation during COR6N. I have activated WIP Batch for the client in system under Batch management configuration. Also configured a Single screen Confirmation screen that allows WIP Goods Issue, WIP goods Receipt and WIP Batch Entry. Problem is this , I am not seeing WIP Batch Creation Button in WIP Goods issue Screen in TCode COR6N.


Amit Kushwaha

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1. In transaction CO11N/COR6N (Single Screen Entry of Confirmations), the WIP batches area is not displayed?

Answer: The finished product for the production order or process order, for which you want to enter a confirmation or a WIP batch, is not managed in original batches. In the material master, the indicator "OB Management" must be set to "1" on the "Work Scheduling" tab page.

2. Question: The indicators "OB Management" and "OB Ref. Material" are not displayed in the material master?

Answer: The original batch function is not activated. You can activate this in Customizing under the path "Logistics - General -> Material Master -> Basic Settings -> Make Global Settings", or in transaction OMT0.

Check once again configuration as per below blog.

Best Regards,
