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why info type 0000 should not be used as first infotype in infogroup?

Former Member
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Hi Gurus,

I can see that any info group can be created by including or not including infotype 0000 as the first infotype in the infogroup.

What is the difference of including or not including the actions infotype in the infogroup/action?



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Former Member
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Dear Rupali,

You don't need to include IT0000 in your infogroup.

It is automatically created if you click "Update infotype 0000" checkbox for your action under:

SPRO: Personnel management -> Personnel administration -> Customizing procedures -> Actions -> Set up Actions -> PErs action types : .

Furthermore, you can control the entry of org man fields from the very first screen of pers action which is IT0000.

Goto SPRO: Personnel management -> Personnel administration -> Customizing procedures -> Actions -> Set up Actions -> PErs action types : There is the check box named "input fields for personnel actions".



Edited by: Dilek Ersoz Adak on Nov 18, 2009 8:02 AM

Former Member
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If you inculde the IT0000 in the infogroup then that particular action is saved in system under IT0000, Else you can also directly call the other infotypes and can update them accordingly...its just to update the list of infotypes by calling a infogourp.


Satish Seri

Active Contributor
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Are you sure

IT0000 Actions will have the information for the employee Status whether (active or inactive) without knowing the employee status how can we go ahead

kindly Check the IT0000 00001 00002 are universal Infotypes which has to be maintained while hireing of the employee and all the these infotypes will be haveing the TC 01

Edited by: Sikindar on Nov 18, 2009 8:32 AM