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Why clusters are used only in HR ?

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Hi All,

Please tell me briefly why Clusters and Macros are used only in HR ?

is there any specific reason for this ?

Even we can retrieve data from Select stmts also but we ill prefer to do with Macros why ?

Please explain this in briefly .....

Thanks in Advance.

Thanks & Regards,

Anil Kumar.

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Former Member
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<i>why Clusters and Macros are used only in HR</i>

Cluster in HR is used for purpose because lot master data are <b>inter related.</b>

We can use tables in HR but it will lead to several tables and the <b>data storing capacity</b> is very much compare with cluster .

<b><i><u>Macro As already the code is written behind and u just have to use it in the program that is the one reason behind using the Macro instead of select and also at the time of reading cluster also having special significance.</u></i></b>

Manoj Shakya.

<b> <b>Reminder : Points should be given on answers.</b></b>

Former Member
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Also HR data are sensitive data, hence data it is stored in clusters, so that no one can see the data directly. Some special commands/FM are stored to retrieve the data from these clusters.

Macro are readily available code, which is used in LDB, which is extensively used in HR.

Former Member
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Thanks for your time and information.

Points are awared.

Thanks & Regards,

Anil Kumar.

Former Member
0 Kudos

> Thanks for your time and information.


> Points are awared.



> Thanks & Regards,

> Anil Kumar.

> Thanks for your time and information.


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> Thanks & Regards,

> Anil Kumar.


HR data is huge and sensitive data. we need old data as well as new data for HR.and country dependent.

For example payroll. The payroll for the US and Indian is different. so, that the data is stored in the cluster , which is used to store the huge amount of data. so,that to read the data we need FM/macros.

