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Where to find table field definitions in mass? The one I see in F1 in se16

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Hi all, I'm wondering if tis possible to find the source table or some documentation that stores the definitions of table fields, i mean the long definitions that is visible in F1.

EXAMPLE: TABLE: VBAP, FIELD: POSNR, Definition: The number that uniquely identifies the item in the sales document.

I'm modeling the data from SAP to share to data warehouse and business expects the definitions of each field to be stored, and checking it in F1 for each field separately is extremely time consuming and frustrating tbh..

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Active Contributor

Hello @olajar 

Table's definition can be displayed in the SE11 transaction.

Best regards

Dominik Tylczynski

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Hi, thx for the hint, but I need it in mass. checking each field separately in se11 is not optimizing my work 😞