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Where does the standard cost component split get updated?

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I'm trying to find a trigger point where the Standard Cost Component Split is updated during cost estimate creation.  I first debugged CK11N, and found nothing relating to the update of ckmkeph.  I realized at this point, it may not update this until the release of the cost estimate.  I went to debug CKME as well and still nothing.  Does anyone else know of what transaction the CCS is actually updated?

I've researched the user exits for CK11N and none of those are relevant to my issue, so I was hoping to find the code myself to find a potential solution.

Thanks in advance.

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Mat component comes from GBB-VBR

Sub-cont charges (if any) FRL key.

Source of Activity cost is routing

OHs component may come from costing Sheets.


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I really just want to move the contents from one cost component to another.  Can that be done in the EXIT_SAPLCK21_002 user exit?  I did not see a structure for the cost component split there or if it was possible with the data known at this point to retrieve the cost component split.

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The 'exit' you mentioned is related with valuation methods I guess.

Can you please give more clarity on the requirement by giving example of that?

If suppose you want to move content which is related to materials, that is possible with use of material origin or by some other means also we may be able to force system to do so.



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I will have a "Markup" cost component that's kind of a holding place for a value.  I want to move it to 2 other cost Components "ICPE" which is the same value in "Markup" and a "ICPE Offset" cost component which will be the negative value in "Markup".

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Hi Ashley,

did you check BAdI GET_DEFCCS (txn SE18)?

Please check documentation on Badi & Method GET_DEFCCS: Modify Actual Cost Component Split.



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Yes this is for the actual cost component split where as I want to update the standard cost component split.  Thank you for the suggestion though.