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What should the MT940 with Structured Memo Line look like?

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Hi Experts!

Can someone explain a bit what is the difference between MT940 and MT940 with Structured Memo Line (Format Mapping)?

And what is the difference between MT940 with Unstructured Memo Line and MT940 with Structured Memo Line?

Could you provide an example of how to prepare a test file to test these new functionalities?

This puzzles me because in previous releases I tested MT940 file and there was a memo line in the sub tag of the 86.

This is an example:






:86:166?00SEPA Uberweisung (Haben)?20STESTVWZ+Re.1060280990?30STSPAT2GXXX

?31AT422081500042437947?32OSG GmbH




and I read this but that does not help me to test the MT940 with Structured Memo Line (Format Mapping)

Best Regards,


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Hi Kamil,

I see the file format is not correct as per standard MT940 specifications.

  • Tag :86: cannot come after closing balance tag :62:F.
  • For structured format, hyphen (-) indicates the end of statement which is missing in your file.
  • To understand the design of structured and unstructured formats of MT940, please check the formats in SSCUI 170010 - Map Format Data for Incoming Files from Banks.
