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Weight and volume (freight) scale pricing condition (for sales)

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Hello all,

I am trying to create a freight scale base pricing condition (Sales & Distribution) based both on weight AND volume. Today in SAP it seems we can only do it either on weight OR on volume. I have tried to set up multi-dimensional condition type but I can't link to weight and volume.

Use case : for my company, in US, transportation fees are based both on product weights AND also volumes. It means that for 2 products with the same weight, the transportation fees will not be the same if one is bigger than the other. For instance Product 1 (10 kg / 10 cm3) < Product 2 (10 kg / 1 m3) etc.

Any help of solution would be much appreciated.

Best regards,

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You can do that using InsightZAP quite easily. It allows you to do conditional formatting, similar to how it's done in Excel, without code.

That means you can easily add a rule of IF and AND IF.

I'm sending a YouTube video with something similar, it's not the same case but it gives you a good example of it works and what the interface looks like.