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Wagetypes from previous month's ZL incuding cost assignment

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Hi all,

I have a requirement, where I need to pay the overtime wagetypes from each month in the following month WITHOUT using a retro calculation.

I am aware I can use IMPRT (Par1 = 1, Par2 = ZL) to get last month's ZL table and can move it into current ZL with INSZL.
I can also get it into the normal processing for the payment month using ZLIT.

However, this process doesn't fetch the cost centre assignment (or any other cost assignment) from the previous month. It just randomly dumps all ZL wagetypes onto the first cost assignment of the current month.

So, if the employee has changed cost centre, say on 25th May then overtime hours from 10th May would be paid in June (correct), but it would use the new cost centre, although these hours should be charged to the old one.

I've already looked into the concepts SAP provides for German public sector (TVÖD), to see whether they are any good and I could copy them for other countries, but the old solution is using "shadow" wagetypes and looses cost assignment on its way and the new solution is relying on retro calculation, which is easy, but not in line with my requirements.

Anybody had this problem already and a suggestion for solution?

Also interested in what didn't work, lest I try the same in vain.

Currently considering modifying/copying IMPRT to get table C1 amended from old period and C1 key in ZH->ZL filled, hoping it will work from there. Alternatively modifying/copying ZLIT and having a big chunk of custom coding in there reading all the previous month data as needed and doing my own stuff.

any experience in this you can share is most welcome - still hoping I'm overlooking something simple and obvious 🙂

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Dear Sven,

Have a look my related document at

May be it gives you an idea. I would upload some screen shots for last part which are payroll rules ASAP.



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Hi Omid,  thanks, but not sure, what the document is supposed to tell me? It explains the standard overtime process with partial move into next month nicely, but end, where the question started: how, to get last month's cost assignment into the overtime moved into the current month, so the new cost centre doesn't have to pay overtime done for the old after a transfer. But as posted above and in status, that's solved anyway. Nice doco, though.  kind regards Sven
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Hi Sevn,

We are also having same kind of requirement in one of my client. Could you please share the code to me on

Thanks in advance.


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Dear Barath,

Thanks for getting in touch. I'm afraid it's not our policy to publish this kind of coding for 3 reasons:

1) it's not fair for our customer to pay for it and then giving it away for free for marketing purposes

2) Many SCN users I've met would copy and paste the coding without understanding the context, thus possibly creating a big mess, if it doesn't fit into their system. So, the guidance above is everything an average PT consultant with a bit of ABAP knowledge will need to implement it within a few hours, but that guarantees at least it's done by someone capable of understanding the context. If you have such a consultant available, he/she will sure be able to go with it AND point out any possible issues /risks in your particular context.

3) quite simply, my mission on SCN is to learn and to educate, not to grab and to give away. It's my personal believe that this is how SCN can create best value, though I acknowledge other users might disagree and there is no absolute right or wrong.

Best wishes


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Hi Sven

Did you managed to find a solution for this problem of lossing the cost assignment?

Best regards

Pedro Vieira

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Yes. See my reply above from 21st August 2013

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The first one, as there are 2

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Hi Sven

On the face, your solution seems to be cool and simpler than the one I used for a similar requirement that I solved for one of my customers.  (IMPRT function code seemed to be too complex for me.)


1.1)Shift workers are paid shift penalty for their work outside of normal day time workers, hours; i.e., before 10 midnight to 6am - rate 1, 6am to 9am - rate 2, 5pm to 10pm rate 3.  Hence there are 3 wage types for these 3 rates.  Correspondingly, time eval schema generates these w/t's.

1.2)The employees are paid fortnightly - Friday to next fortnight Thursday.


2.1)Shift penalties of Monday to Thursday of pay week are to be paid in the following pay period. 

3)My solution

3.1)Table/view Config:

3.1.1)Copy normal shift penalty w/t's as Yxxx.  See further below

3.1.2)In V_T51P3 - create an Ind.for wage type assignment to link the normal shift pen w/t's to Yxxx.

3.1.3)In V_T51P1 - link normal shift pen w/t's to Yxxx.

3.2)Time eval schema: copy the normal w/t's generated, based on the day of the week and whether it was a pay week, to Yxxx.

3.3)Payroll schema:

3.3.1)Process last period's RT and copy the Yxxx w/t's to the normal shift pen w/t's - using R51P1 and the new Ind.for wage type assignment.

3.3.2)Yxxx w/t's: Just output to RT and no other process.  (these w/t's config was accordingly changed)

.br, JG