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User status for equipment master in S.4 HANA Public Cloud

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Hi all,

My client have a requirement to have user statuses for equipment master data. However, I could not see any customising option for that. We are implementing S.4 HANA Public Cloud. Anyone who knows it is even possible in the Cloud?

Many thanks in advance

Isil Ozel

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Product and Topic Expert

Hello @iozel-mt01

In S/4HANA Cloud the customizing for user statuses for Equipments / Functional Locations is not available as

an SSCUI / Configuration Activity

Please follow the KBA 2840635 and submit a feature request if you would like the customizing added

in a future release.

Thank you


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Hello Enda, i did notice that your answer was 2 years a go i was curious and wanted to ask if your answer is still up to date ? cause lately i was on a client's server and saw that user status on equipments were visible on filters when u use the app find technical objects ?