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User exit for profitability segment in service order settlement rule

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Does anybody know if exit EXIT_SAPLKEAK_001 works for the profitability segment creation during the creation of a settlement rule of a service order?

The context is the following: the company uses service orders which are settled periodically (it receives revenue from sales order which is posted to the service orders at time of billing, and also costs at time of goods issue). The profitability segment in the settlement rule of the service order needs to be the same as the one from the billing document that posted to the order.

Can I use EXIT_SAPLKEAK_001 to find the characteristics from the billing document and populate it in the PSG of the settlement rule? If yes, could this be applied to only one specific service order type?

Thank you.

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Try exit MV45AFZZ or ZB and see if you can populate the settlement rule same as Sales Order

You can read the chars from the sales order settlement rule using FM RKE_GET_CHARS_FOR_PAOBJNR...

you can create a PSG using the chars read above from the FM COPA_PROFITABILITY_SEGMENT

br, Ajay M