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Use of F-91 in Asset Accounting

Former Member

Hi All Experts,

Can anybody guide me what is the use of F-91 ?

And how 4 Radio Buttons affect transaction ? What is the use of those radio buttons ?

It looks similar to F-90 !

Experts guidance will be appreciated !


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Former Member

Hi Sharvari,

Functionally, F-90 is nothing more than FB01 (traditional journal entry transaction that existed before the introduction of "enjoy" transactions FB50, FB60 etc.). The main advantage for having it (and not just using FB01 for everything) is, that you can configure different default document types and posting keys (on the first screen) per transaction in trans. OBU1. So, a user that routinely books fixed asset acquisitions with F-90 will e.g. always get a predefined document type KR and posting key 31, while another user routinely booking GL entries may be assigned to transaction F-02 with document type SA and posting key 40 - which simplifies the work of both and reduces the chances of error. Otherwise, this is just a generic journal entry.

As for F-91, this is nothing more than FB05 (general item-clearing transaction). Unlike FB01 (or F-90 etc.), it gives you a chance to clear open items on a selected vendor, customer or GL account. So, while F-90 is useful e.g. for incoming vendor invoices (which just create open items on vendor), F-91 can be used e.g. for a capitalization of a fixed asset from an open-item balance sheet account, or to book a credit note with a direct reference (clearing) against a still-unpaid invoice.

Now, what does the radio mean. These four options are the same as in other clearing transactions (most notably FB05) and determine, which posting key will be used for the clearing entry. They are configured in trans. OBXH and have an impact on reporting. For example,

- Normally, credit notes to vendor are posted with posting key 21. This posting key is defined in trans. OB41 as "Sales-related" (TBSL-XUMSW is ticked). It means that if you choose this option, then you will update the amount in "Sales" tab in trans. FK10 (vendor balance) and in report RFKUML00 (trans. S_ALR_87012093).

- On the other hand, payments to vendor are posted with posting key 25. This key is defined as "payment transaction" (TBSL-XZAHL is ticked). It means that you will not see it in RFKUML00 but there may be an impact on other functionality (withholding tax or VAT transfer to payable may only work with a payment posting key; clearing of items blocked for manual payment may not be possible).

- There is usually no difference across these four if you clear a GL account, and there is no difference at all if you just "abuse" this transaction for GL entry (i.e., you do not clear any items), which is also possible.

So, in general, user should choose the proper option when clearing vendor/customer items to assure correct reporting and sometimes even correct tax.

This is it. As you can see, your question has nothing to do with fixed assets - but rather with the general functioning of FB01 (F-90) and FB05 (F-91). I would suggest you to check the config transactions and play around a little, to see how the different clearing options impact on the choice of posting keys and subsequently on reporting.

Good luck - and let us know on the forum if anything is not clear!

Former Member
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Dear Jan,

Thanks for excellent explanation !

Just a one thing more can you please provide example with any acquisition scenario ?

Thank you for guidance !



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