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Updation of Status

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Hello Experts,

Facing problem in updating the statuses at equipment level.

Users are deactivating the equipments with INAC - Object deactivate status and if we take examples of other equipments they only have 2 statuses (AVLB & INST) but when we are putting the INAC status and saving we have 3 statuses (INAC, AVLB & INST)

Now client have one Z transaction where they are creating order directly by selecting equipment number.

Here if we again Activate the equipment status its showing the status as INST but at SE16 for JEST table there it is showing deactivated indicator for I0320 (INAC) status.Because of some program logic at Z transaction system is throwing error as it is taking INAC status from logic.

Could you help me in solving this as this is all standard functionality of SAP.



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Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
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When you activate a status (such as INAC) a record is created in JEST. In this case a record with I0320 value. When you now remove this status on the equipment the JEST record is updated but not removed. The update consists of setting the JEST-INACT flag. So if this flag is set with value X, that status is not active.

Your Z-transaction needs to check the JEST-INACT flag, If set then ignore this JEST record as it is not active.
