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Updating User status in the Process Order

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Hello Experts,

We are have configured couple of user status (eg, STRT, APPR, RELS, CNF, HOLD, COMP, CLSD) in a status profile as per the requirement of our client and the Status profile has been updated in the order types. Now we have a requirement that, in the process order once the User status reaches to its last status I.e CLSD then it should not allow any of the users to change it to back to the previous/other user statuses. For eg, if the user status is COMP or with any user status before that then it is allowing to change the user status back to any of the status, but once the process order reaches to user status CLSD then it should allow to change the user status back to any of the user status.

Is their any way to restrict this sceanrio?

Thanks in advance!

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Active Contributor

Hello prithiv

I'd say you requirement can be implemented with lowest and highest status number fields in the status profile configuration.

Refer to notes:

for details on status number settings.

If that fails you can still use BadI BSV_STATUS_PROFILE implementation as described in the note 1627673 - BAdI for status profile evaluation

Best regards

Dominik Tylczynski


Hello Dominik Tylczynski,

Thank you very much for providing the suggestions on this topic. I was able to complete the task.

Thanks again!

Best Regards,

Prithiv Raaj