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Update picking list

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Hi, I have the following picking

Picknumber 5 units 5000 location 02-A-01-5 OrderLine 0

Now, when I want to create the delivery SAP create this picking list

Picknumber 5 units 4500 location 02-A-01-5 OrderLine 0

Picknumber 5 units 250 location 02-A-01-4 OrderLine 0

Picknumber 5 units 250 location 02-A-01-3 OrderLine 0

Based in the location 02-A-01-5 dont have the complete units and get the rest for another location.

When I update the picklist this has only one line and I cant update the picking. and give me internal error -2007 

how is the best way to update the picking in this case?

I use this code

  SAPbobsCOM.Recordset rs = (SAPbobsCOM.Recordset)Program._conexion2.oCompany.GetBusinessObject(SAPbobsCOM.BoObjectTypes.BoRecordset);

                   Documents delivery = (SAPbobsCOM.Documents)Program._conexion2.oCompany.GetBusinessObject(SAPbobsCOM.BoObjectTypes.oDeliveryNotes);

                   SAPbobsCOM.Documents oOrder = (SAPbobsCOM.Documents)Program._conexion2.oCompany.GetBusinessObject(SAPbobsCOM.BoObjectTypes.oOrders);

                   SAPbobsCOM.PickLists picking = (SAPbobsCOM.PickLists)Program._conexion2.oCompany.GetBusinessObject(SAPbobsCOM.BoObjectTypes.oPickLists);

                   SAPbobsCOM.Items oItem = (SAPbobsCOM.Items)Program._conexion2.oCompany.GetBusinessObject(SAPbobsCOM.BoObjectTypes.oItems);

                   bool validadorPicking = picking.GetByKey(Int32.Parse(pick.Value));

                   bool cadena = oOrder.GetByKey(Int32.Parse(texto1.Value));


                   string cantidadSeleccionada = String.Empty;

                   Double acumulador =0;

                   SAPbouiCOM.Matrix _matrix = (SAPbouiCOM.Matrix)oBultosForm.Items.Item("Mtx2").Specific;

                   for (int j = 1; j <= picking.Lines.Count; j++)


                       picking.Lines.SetCurrentLine(j - 1);

                       for (int v = 1; v <= _matrix.RowCount; v++)


                           //string codigoProducto = ((SAPbouiCOM.EditText) _matrix.Columns.Item(1).Cells.Item(v).Specific).Value;

                           //string descripcion = ((SAPbouiCOM.EditText) _matrix.Columns.Item(2).Cells.Item(v).Specific).Value;

                           cantidadSeleccionada = ((SAPbouiCOM.EditText)_matrix.Columns.Item(3).Cells.Item(v).Specific).Value;

                           //string cantidadRequerida = ((SAPbouiCOM.EditText) _matrix.Columns.Item(4).Cells.Item(v).Specific).Value;

                           string ubicacion = ((SAPbouiCOM.EditText)_matrix.Columns.Item(5).Cells.Item(v).Specific).Value;

                           string linea = ((SAPbouiCOM.EditText)_matrix.Columns.Item(6).Cells.Item(v).Specific).Value;

                           String _cadena = "select absentry from obin where bincode = '" + ubicacion + "'";

                           Int32 binAbsEnt = Int32.Parse(DalClass.Seleccionar(Program._conexion2.Conexion2, _cadena));

                           picking.Lines.BinAllocations.BinAbsEntry = binAbsEnt;

                           if (linea == (j - 1).ToString())


                               acumulador = Double.Parse(cantidadSeleccionada) + acumulador;



                       picking.Lines.PickedQuantity = acumulador;

                       picking.Lines.BinAllocations.Quantity = acumulador;


                   int _valorRetorno = picking.Update();


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Hi Maik, I tested the code but this set blank values only when the item has many locations.

  for (int j = 1; j <= picking.Lines.Count; j++)


                       picking.Lines.SetCurrentLine(j - 1);

                       for (int v = 1; v <= _matrix.RowCount; v++)


                           //string codigoProducto = ((SAPbouiCOM.EditText) _matrix.Columns.Item(1).Cells.Item(v).Specific).Value;

                           //string descripcion = ((SAPbouiCOM.EditText) _matrix.Columns.Item(2).Cells.Item(v).Specific).Value;

                           cantidadSeleccionada = ((SAPbouiCOM.EditText)_matrix.Columns.Item(3).Cells.Item(v).Specific).Value;

                           //string cantidadRequerida = ((SAPbouiCOM.EditText) _matrix.Columns.Item(4).Cells.Item(v).Specific).Value;

                           string ubicacion = ((SAPbouiCOM.EditText)_matrix.Columns.Item(5).Cells.Item(v).Specific).Value;

                           string linea = ((SAPbouiCOM.EditText)_matrix.Columns.Item(6).Cells.Item(v).Specific).Value;

                           if ((j-1) == Int32.Parse(linea))




                                String _cadena = "select absentry from obin where bincode = '" + ubicacion + "'";

                                Int32 binAbsEnt = Int32.Parse(DalClass.Seleccionar(Program._conexion2.Conexion2, _cadena));


                                picking.Lines.BinAllocations.BinAbsEntry = binAbsEnt;

                                picking.Lines.PickedQuantity = Double.Parse(cantidadSeleccionada);


                                picking.Lines.BinAllocations.Quantity = Double.Parse(cantidadSeleccionada);






                   int _valorRetorno = picking.Update();


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Hi Pablo,

I tried to simulate your original post :

//simulated Matrix values

List<Int32> MatrixCellBinAbsEntry = new List<Int32>()


    105, // "02-A-01-5",

    104,//  "02-A-01-4",

    103 //  "02-A-01-3"


List<double> MatrixCellQuantity = new List<double>()






double pickedQtyLine0 = 5000.0; // 4500+250+250

int PickListNumber = 5;

SAPbobsCOM.PickLists oPicklist = SBO_Company.GetBusinessObject(SAPbobsCOM.BoObjectTypes.oPickLists);

oPicklist.GetByKey(PickListNumber); //Get Picklist No 5

for (int i = 0; i < oPicklist.Lines.Count; i++)



    oPicklist.Lines.PickedQuantity = pickedQtyLine0; // 5000 for pickline 0

    for (int j = 0; j < MatrixCellBinAbsEntry.Count; j++)//every bin location


        if (j > 0)

            oPicklist.Lines.BinAllocations.Add(); // add new binalloc line

        oPicklist.Lines.BinAllocations.BinAbsEntry = MatrixCellBinAbsEntry[j]; // Set bin AbsEntry

        oPicklist.Lines.BinAllocations.Quantity = MatrixCellQuantity[j]; //Set bin Quantity



if (oPicklist.Update() != 0)


    MessageBox.Show("Error " + SBO_Company.GetLastErrorDescription());




In your code you don't add new bin allocation lines.

Be aware that there is more checking needed and that there are a lot of problems in earlier patchlevels handling picklists via SDK.



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Hi Maik, your code works perfectly! but I have some additional problem. When I update other article I mean this picking list has other lines with other articles, this give me this error.

1470000341  - The article "0102-0380200-00" is not fully allocated to the location" 02

The item has quantities in warehouse. What can be wrong in my code.


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Hi Pable,

this error means, that the numbers didin't add up.

Every pickline has a picked quantity ( example  5000  ) - now all BinAllocations lines have a quantity ( 4500,250,250 ) -> normally this is not adding up and the error message is given.

Just make sure the numbers are working...



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Its works. Thank you very much Maik.