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Units of measure of activity type is wrong while confirming through CO11N

0 Kudos

Hi all,

I’m have some issue with unit of measure after confirmation.

I have a production order with 6 operations 0010, 0020, 0030, 0040, 0050 and 0060. Operation 0060 marked as milestone. When I confirmed  the operation 0060 (CO11n) the system automatically confirmed preceding operations. All activities was confirmed successfully.

Activities in routing in operations 0040, 0050 has unit of measure M3 and M3 , accordingly. When I looking at the good movement I see that the confirmed quantity have another unit of measure – 001 “Time”.

Why UoM changing after confirmation and how to get the correct UoM.

Please share with me the valuable suggestions or any advice, which allow me to solve problem.

Thanks in Advance

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The activities to be proposed is in one unit,  example MIN, by defining   it to be the activity unit in the costing tab of the work center.

Also note determination of the operation quantity the order quantity is then internally converted to the operation unit of measure and then into unit of measure for activity with the conversion factor stored in the operation (detail screen standard values).

Use the program ZPPCON_079 to correct the activities that have been posted incorrectly

from SAP note  316462 - Incorrect activities from automatic confirmations

Best Regards,


0 Kudos

Hi, R Brahmankar,

thank you for advice.

I read this note and a few other similar, but all of them talking about incorrect quantities. In my case I have wrong unit of measure after confirmation.

Activity has UoM = M3, in operation UoM defined as T. I see this on the screen "standard values".

But after confirmation UoM becomes 001 or HL or another units. Confirmed activities have any UoM relevant to dimension VOLUME.

How can I find where from comes wrong units?

Best regards,


Active Contributor
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What is unit if measure in work center costing tab?

Please share screen shot of work center, routing and confirmation screen.

Also you can execute the report ZPPCON_079 in test mode.

Best Regards,


0 Kudos


here is screen shots

Standard Values in PrOrder

work center

operation in routing


Best regards,


Active Contributor
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unit if measure in work center costing tab is missing. Please define default activity unit in costing tab of work center in CR02. Create new order and do the confirmation and check the output.

Best Regards,


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It's helpful for my case, but has solved issue for confirmation in Prod Order side.

If I go to Costs -> Analysis I still see different UoM than basic.

It happens because when costing the system makes round and translates into more appropriate UOM, like decimeters or decalitres.

In any cases, thanks a lot.

Best regards,


Active Contributor
0 Kudos


After maintaining the activity unit in costing tab of your work center. Create new order and check the cost analysis report?

Also in KP26 for your activities check the unit of measure.

Best Regards,


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