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Unable to schedule jobs using AFC , the job is in status 'schedule requested'

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From AFC unable to schedule the jobs. The jobs is in status 'Schedule Requested.'

Any help on this is highly appreciated.

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Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
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Dear Achana Vijay,

the status Scheduling Requested is set for tasks for which the scheduling action has already been performed but the creation of the scheduling request hasn't been completed in the system.

In this status it's not possible to schedule the task again to avoid duplicate scheduling requests.

Regards, Thomas

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Hi Thomas,

After scheduling is requested, it should move to next status, but the workflow is in the same status (scheduled requested).

The same AFC tenant is used for both DEV & QAS systems. But the job works fine in QAS systems.

It was working fine in DEV till last week and this issue started this Monday onwards.

From the DEV S4 system (communication system) in SM37 we are not able to see any jobs in scheduled\running\error status.

The corresponding program name (RFOB5200) for the AFC job.

We tried with different user id to test for authorization issues, but the job is in the same status (scheduled requested).


Thanks for your help.


Archana Vijay