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Transport Fee

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We have a requirement. We are charging customer a flat rate called 'Transport fee'. Each customer is assigned to a Zone in the customer master. We maintain the prices for each zone and the Ship to party.

The problem is that the client wishes to charge one transport fee per day.

When we create DP90 a billing request is created and the transport is automatically determined.

We can only create one CS order for one equipment ( truck). If there are more than one truck to be repaired in the customer Site, then client wishes to charge Transport only once for that day. Meaning if there are 2 trucks- 2 CS order, 2 Billing Request but the Transport Fee should be charged to one of the 2 Billing request in that day.

can you think of a solution?



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Former Member
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hi ashish,

this is to inform you that,

this comes under complete development speak with an ABAPER about this requriment.

because you need to create a Z screen for this & incorporate all the fields basing on your requriment.

please check and update the forum
