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Transfer employee to unit of another partner company


I am trying to transfer an employee to sales unit of another partner company in the system. The error on transfer of employee shows "Company of employment and organizational unit do not match.
Need solution please
eda.yang akanksha1007 deena.karkampalli2

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Product and Topic Expert

Hi Silas,

Please find the details below :


You are trying to transfer an employee from org structure ABC to org structure XYZ (where ABC and XYZ stand for org structure IDs)n order to retain the same Employee ID, but system throws error message: "Company of employment and organizational unit do not match".


SAP Business ByDesign

Reproducing the Issue

  1. Go to the Personnel Administration work center.
  2. Select Employees view.
  3. Access the relevant employee's personnel file
  4. Click the Actions button and choose Transfer Employee.
  5. Fill in the Job and Organizational Unit (from different organizational structure) and other mandatory details.


The employee is already assigned to an org unit in the org structure ABC, so it is not possible to transfer them to an org unit in a different org structure.

This functionality is not supported by application as this leads to creation of a new employment, work agreement for the employee.


The system works as designed.

You may consider using the workaround of terminating the employee from current org structure ABC and rehiring them in the new org structure. In this way, they can retain the same Employee ID.

In case, the Employee is hired wrongly and there is no reference documents created, then the below option is feasible:

I) Change the Hire Date of Employee:

  1. Go to Personnel Administration.
  2. Select Employees view.
  3. Search and edit the employee.
  4. Go to the Employment tab.
  5. Select Change Hire Date and change the date to one day prior to actual hire date.
  6. Change Service Start Date to match new hire date.
  7. Save the changes.

The change will be saved successfully if there are no reference records.

II) Now terminate this employee with termination date same as new hire date.

III) Rehire the employee under the new company with hire date one day after the termination date used in the previous step.

Note: if the employee has two work agreements, then it is not possible to have a hire date in the first work agreement.

Best Regards,

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akanksha1007 The transfer is within the same org structure, just different companies; eg. transfer employee from Almika Inc to Innovat Inc. Is it still the same procedure?