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Transactions to work with Notification of Absence

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Hello SAP HCM Gurus.

I have ERP 6.0 Support Packages Stack 15, but the following transaction codes do not exit:

SWX1 Create notification of absence

SWX2 Change notification of absence

SWX3 Display notification of absence

SWX4 Approve notification of absence

Abap Comp. levels with ERP 6.0 SPS 15.

SAP_BASIS 700 0018 SAPKB70018 SAP Basis Component

SAP_ABA 700 0018 SAPKA70018 Cross-Application Component

ST-PI 2005_1_700 0006 SAPKITLQI6 SAP Solution Tools Plug-In

PI_BASIS 2006_1_700 0008 SAPKIPYM08 Basis Plug-In (PI_BASIS) 2006_1_700

SAP_BW 700 0020 SAPKW70020 SAP NetWeaver BI 7.0

SAP_AP 700 0015 SAPKNA7015 SAP Application Platform

SAP_APPL 600 0015 SAPKH60015 Logistics and Accounting

SAP_HR 600 0038 SAPKE60038 Human Resources

EA-HR 600 0038 SAPKGPHD38 SAP Enterprise Extension HR

Can you please tell me with this ERP version for example how can I Display notification of absence ?

Thanks for your help.


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