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text items ?

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I want to know

1.what is a text item?

2. is it a manual or a text always accompanying the main item ?

3.why do we not maintain a material master to it ?

4.some people say it is like manuals accompanying TV,AC etc...then what is the difference between TEXT items and FREE of charge delivery (FD) as those are also relevant for delivery not relevant for billing ?

5. Any buisness and SAp scenario for that ?



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Answers (1)

Former Member
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1.what is a text item?

<i>>Material or item in sales order that does not have a material master.</i>

2. is it a manual or a text always accompanying the main item ?

<i>>It is not mandatory to have an accompanying main item,but in most of Business scenarios, text items are used with an accompanying main item.</i>

3.why do we not maintain a material master to it ?

<i>>I can give you a scenario that would answer 3,4 and 5.

>I know a Business which uses text items to provide packaging instructions.

We cannot maintain material master for packing instructions.

FD is similar to text items but FD items can have an inventory.For example the manuals you mentioned,companies need to keep track of inventory of manuals to be able to print more if required.</i>

<b>Reward if helpful.</b>


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as u have mentioned packaging instructions , is it a some kind of manual ?

is that passed on to the customer ,if yes then the company has to maintain a inventory for every shippment it makes , will that force the comapany to make a material master ?

if no how do i maintain a particular item as a text item .?

kindly update .


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packing instruction is not manual it is an instruction passed on to packinging dept within the company.

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hi yatish,

thanks for ur reply , but can u elaborate on the issue u have said it is a instruction

to the packing dept , how is it maintained ?

how are the text items created ?

kindly update
